Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Twisted Tuesday and a brand-new release and exclusive excerpt as Amethyst Storms is live!


Introducing the Primordial Protectors Series

In the beginning, there was no man, only beasts roamed the Earth. Dragons were the dominant species. They lived in clans and ruled their lands with heavy hands. Over time, accords were made and allegiances formed, strengthening the numbers in many kingdoms. Eventually, anger and greed consumed them and those who refused to choose a side met an untimely demise.

As war ravaged Denarius’ lands, Griffin, leader of the Clan, the chosen protectors of the sacred gems, was forced to join his troops in battle to keep all he loved and held dear safe. Luna, Griffin’s queen, gathered their five eggs and retreated to the sanctity of their horde, a location only she and her mate knew of. It was there she waited for his return, which never came.

These five heirs to the throne, each the color of the precious stones they represented, were the chosen ones to guard the gems. They would harness a power within themselves, and through their birthright, would rebuild what was lost and bring peace to the warring world once more.

Gods, help us all...

We hope you enjoy the first installment, as well as all the dragon magic, mischief and mayhem to come.

Book 1: Amethyst Storms

Final day to purchase for $3.99

Amethyst Storms can be purchased here!

The Primordial Protectors of Clan Denarius have been tasked with protecting the gems, the heart of their existence, from falling into the wrong hands.

Ionus, eldest Denarius brother, has spent decades training his stubborn siblings and keeping them in line. But he longed for the freedom to take time off from worrying about them and focus on seeking that which his heart truly craves.

His mate.

If they even exist…

Alexander is a free-spirited omega. A rock climbing, cave spelunking adventurer on a quest to visit the most untouched cavernous terrains in the world. Much to his grandfather’s dismay, he leaves his GPS behind and is soon lost in a twisted maze of caves deep below the surface.

When all attempts to find his way out fail, Alexander comes face to face with a world he never knew existed and creatures he never imagined.

What would Gramps say about that? Possibly something about being dropped on his head one too many times.

A fierce dragon protector meets a thrill-seeking human who takes too many risks and somehow manages to capture his ardent heart. Could this be the mate he’s dreamed of or his worst nightmare?

Amethyst Storms is book 1 in the Primordial Protectors series. What happens when a fierce stickler of a dragon meets a thrill seeking human. Sounds like an ad for man seeking man, right? Well, we can promise you it’s anything but that.

Amethyst Storms Exclusive Excerpt

Wiggling backward took effort, but at least I could tick that one off and press forward into the wider cavern that lay before me. Kneeling, I reached to retrieve my pack only to discover that the spot where I’d left it was empty.

Okay, seriously?

I searched the area around the hole, despite being certain of where I’d placed it. After all, I’d been certain about the weird outcropping too and look how the hell that had turned out.

Son of a bitch.

My water, my food, my binoculars, plus everything I needed to set up basecamp, including the compact thermal blanket I carried were in there. No way in fuck was I going to be able to remain up here without it. I’d wedged my pack in good, too. No little fuckin’ weasel would have been able to drag it out of there. Even a badger wouldn’t have deemed it worth the effort.

A bear however…


Sniffing, all I smelled was sunshine, brush, and the deep mineral scent of warm rock. The rank scent of bear tended to permeate everything, lingering even after the animal had gone on its merry way. If one had sniffed out my pack and dragged it away to get at the contents, there would have been signs in addition to the scent, like claw marks on the stone around the crevice.

But there were none.

Son of a bitch.

Okay Alex, think, think.

I still had my phone and plenty of daylight left. I could press forward, check the cave, see if it went through or led to anything worth exploring, and if not, repelling down would be faster than the trek up. It would be a bitter pill to swallow, but I could lick my wounds at the closest motel or B and B, grab fresh supplies in the morning, and try to find the correct location after I’d hunted up a video tutorial so I could brush up those land nav skills Gramps had been on me about.

Fuckin’ Gramps.

Fuckin’ GPS.

And fuck whatever the hell had stolen my fuckin’ backpack.

In case you missed it, the word of the day was fuck.

Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck.

I was practically sing-songing it as I made my way deeper into the cave, following the winding twists and turns and dodging a couple bats. At least there had been no more false starts after the first one.

The cave was narrowing though I could see the barest hint of something glowing ahead. The brilliant purple mesmerized me as it pulsed and winked, my attention so focused on it, I hit a wall, literally. There was only a jagged gash between rocks now, just enough that the glow shimmered along the edges, like little hands, waving as it danced along the rock. It took a great deal of scrunching and sucking in my breath before I could wiggle through the gap, my eyes growing wide at the sight of the bright, shimmering circle of stones.

Mesmerized, I reached as if to touch one, when a loud roar thundered, it’s echo shaking the cavern walls and bringing down a shower of dust.

Holy fuckin’ hell. Behind the stones where the faces of five angry dragons, glaring at me like they wanted to have me for a mid-afternoon snack.

One me.

Five of them.

I wouldn’t even make a decent hors d’oeuvre.

Fuck my life.

Looked like I really should have listed to Gramps after all. 

And now I present to you the cover reveal for Emerald Waves

Grab it at the low #Preorder price of $3.99 while you can.

Coming Tuesday 9/19/2025


 Book 2, Emerald Waves is Caro and our beloved Dragon Archivist Emerson's story.

What on earth were the fates thinking?




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Monday, March 3, 2025

Musical Monday...Coming to a stage near year: Echoes of a Muted Song!

Johnny's back along with Jagger and the rest of the Damaged Saints, including manager Draven, who's got his eyes on a sinfully wicked singer with bright, golden-brown eyes that remind him of honeycombs and sunshine. 

Wild and uninhibited, Johnny gives the performance of a lifetime every time he gets up on the stage. He's been doing it for so long that the nights have blurred into an endless series of shows, parties, and partners, none of which make him truly happy anymore.

For all he's been able to accomplish, the one thing he's never done before was fall in love.

Until now.

Sudden, swift and unexpected, it's something he's ill equipped to handle, especially when the person he's fallen for isn't even a hundred percent certain he's into guys. It's more like he's dipping his toes into the pool with Johnny as his very eager, very willing partner. Only now that they've reached a point where Johnny's feeling are involved, he's not sure if his heart can handle living in limbo until Draven makes his decision.


“Behave.” I growled and felt him shiver.

He’d sure as hell heard that. Then that brat had the nerve to grin, wink and press a kiss to my lips before whispering. “Now what would be the fun in that.”

Oh we were fixing to have fun, tonight, I thought as I escorted him in, one hand pressed to the small of his back, which he promptly tugged down to cup his ass before grinning at me again. So of course I pinched it, he’d damn near invited me to pinch it by putting his hand there, so when he jumped, I just gave him the same smirk he was giving me.

“Game on.” He hissed, grinning as he tugged me out on the dance floor.

Between the beat and the roll of his shoulders, it was easy to get lost in the rhythm of the dance and the way he had eyes only for me. Talk about a rush. After so many years of performing, I could feel when there were eyes on me, I didn’t have to see them, and yet, even when he spun away, he watched me over his shoulder as he straddled my leg, grinding against my thigh as I held him in place with my fingers splayed across his belly. It was impossible to ignore how well we fit together when he leaned back, hooked one hand behind my neck, and rode me like a stripped pole, to the point where someone actually did toss a bill at him while others cheered and whistled.

“They’re gonna go to bed tonight dreaming about what you get to touch,” Johnny said as he spun so he was in my arms, our lips millimeters away from touching.

“You’re damn right,” a nearby dancer said, inciting the fury of his partner, who smacked him on the arm before stalking away.

And he’s gonna go to be alone tonight, I thought as I tongue fucked Johnny right there for the world to see. At this point I didn’t care if I was going to die from terminal finger cramps after issuing a million takedown notices. I’d never felt such a sense of rightness and certainty than when Johnny Amaral was in my arms. 

Echoes of a Muted Song is available for Preorder and will go live on May 30th. 

Preorder Echoes of a Muted Song here.

Other Rockstar Romance books by Layla Dorine

Desolation Angel

Halfway to Someday

Tattered Angel

Bleeding Dawn

Damaged Saints

Broken Chorus

Devin’s Boys

Monday, November 4, 2024

Musical Monday - Special Guitars and Family sale with Exclusive Excerpts


😍Limited Time Only!🥰 🤩 $1.99 Each! 😢 Guitars and Family! 😢 Each Book is on Sale!😹 😍🥰😹🌈🎼🎸💜❤️‍🩹

#darkreads #darkromance #romanceauthor #romancebooks #romancewriter #lgbtqbooks #loveislove #lovewins #loveyourself #morallygraycharacter #dysfunctionalfamily #internalconflict #unexpectedresponsibility #internalizedhomophobia #siblingangst #loner #selfdestruction #selfloathing #grief #painfulhomecoming #stuckinthemiddle #awesometherapist #strugglingtoacceptlove #bikerslife #brokenrocker


One of the things that’s been an almost constant theme in both Guitars and Cages and now Guitars and Choices, is the idea of the hero’s journey. While Asher may seem like a very unlikely hero, and in fact would consider there to be absolutely nothing heroic about himself, he really is the driving force that brings the family back together in Guitars and Cages and keeps them together as the story continues.
Flawed, bent, a little bit broken, Asher loves his family fiercely, despite what they might do to one another and to him. In fact, one of the biggest conflicts, for him, is how to remain loyal to all of them without taking sides and ultimately, losing one of them in the process. Loss scares him, he’s seen enough of it and so he holds tight even when maybe he should back away, and in dealing with older brother, Cole, he gets a bit burned for it, time and time again. In Guitars and Choices, he finally begins to step away from that, mostly because he has a great support system to show him how a loving family should function and how not to end up ripping one another apart even when they disagree. He’s also coming to see the importance of living his life openly and honestly, and with Conner by his side, there is so much growth in Guitars and Choices that I can’t wait for readers to see where he’s at by the end of the novel.


😭Need a Good Cry? 😭 😿Readers have labeled Guitars and Cages an Ugly Cry book! 😿 🎼Asher is a mess! 🎸 🩵A scarred, beautiful, disaster of a wretch💙 ‍🔥 You’ll hate him before it’s through.💞 But you’ll fall in love with him too. ❤️ 😹You may even cry WITH him and cheer for him to get his happy ending. 🌈 💔Watch him try to resist the love his heart longs for.❤️‍🩹

Guitars and Cages: Asher Logan is a bartender and a pretty wicked guitar player, when he isn’t wrecking his hands fighting in a cage. With a past he keeps hoping to outrun, Asher’s been on a downward spiral for longer than he can remember. When his sister-in-law leaves Rory, his eight-year-old nephew, in his care, Asher is forced into two things he’s never been good at: sobriety and responsibility. As he struggles to care for Rory, his own life begins to unravel.

When Asher’s brother, Alex, turns up, presenting as a girl and announcing her new name is Alexia, it further complicates matters, as does the arrival of his new neighbor, Conner. When the siblings’ older brother, Cole, reacts violently to Alexia, Asher is placed squarely in the middle of a family conflict which compels him to confront who he pretends to be versus who he really is. Asher must choose who to trust and who to finally walk away from. Warning: Self-harm, suicidal ideology, transphobia, accident/injury/death, cage fighting, fire, attempted suicide, threats of violence, dysfunctional family, mentions of past trauma, abusive parent (past)
Guitars and Cages can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BJYPXPQR
Excerpt from Guitars and Cages:

“Uncle Asher, Uncle Asher!”

Oh God, one more hour of rest, please, is that too much to ask? One more hour, and then I swear, I’ll get up and take the kid to the park or the zoo or the aquarium or the movies or wherever the hell it is that he’s gonna beg for me to take him today. I’ll get him McDonald’s, an ice-cream sundae, a slice of his favorite pizza, anything for sixty more minutes of sleep. And yet still the bouncing continued, as well as the loud repeating of my name. Apparently, silence wasn’t making the point and the kid wasn’t gonna go away without some sort of verbal acknowledgement from me. I groaned, and he began his singsong chant again. When the hell did they grow outta that shit, anyway?

“Uncle Asher, Uncle Asher, Uncle Asher, Uncle Asher!”

Every word punctuated with a bounce, goddammit all; whoever said you had to die to be in hell was a bloody fool.

Rory!” I roared, realizing as he toppled from the bed and landed on the floor with a thud that I’d likely scared the hell out of him.

Silence, oh blessed, blessed silence.

“Uncle Asher?” he asked hesitantly now, and much, much quieter. I groaned, as the silence had been far too fleeting.

“Rory, is the apartment on fire?” I asked, refusing to pull the pillow away from my face and acknowledge the sunlight that I knew was shining into the room.


“Are the cops at the door?”

“No,” he responded with a bit of a sigh.

“Is the whor... err, my girlfriend at the door?” I asked, hoping he hadn’t caught my little slip.

“Uh-uh,” he said solemnly. Well, that was a good thing, anyway; I was beginning to not be as fond of her as I’d once been.

“So, is the Super at the door demanding rent?” I asked, figuring that was a bit of a long shot since I’d paid the rent at the start of the week.

“Nope,” he said, and I could feel him climb up and sit on the edge of the bed.

“Has the zombie apocalypse started?”

“Uhh no, but wouldn’t that be awesome?”

I chuckled into the pillow. Awesome wasn’t quite the word I’d use, but hell, if several people I knew managed to get themselves turned into walking corpses at the very least I could shoot them in the head and actually get away with it.

“Have aliens landed on the roof?” I asked him, and now he was laughing.

“Don’t they only land in cornfields?” he replied, and I groaned and let out a long-suffering sigh.

“So let me get this straight. There’s no mass hysteria, no flames, no one at the door, and no zombies on the streets, and yet you’re waking me up a whole hour before I told you it was okay?”

“Well, yeah, but you gotta get up or you’re gonna be in trouble,” Rory said in a quiet voice that sort of scared me. It certainly got the pillow from over my face, and I opened my eyes, blinking at the soaking-wet form of him sitting on my bed. Why was he soaking wet and fully dressed and getting water all over the place? And did I really want to know?

“What did you do?” I groaned. I don’t wanna know, I don’t wanna know, I don’t wanna know, a voice inside my head practically screamed as I could hear what sounded like running water hitting the floor in the other room. I threw the sheet aside and bolted toward the sound—too fast, because as soon as I hit the next room I went skidding across the damned linoleum floor and crashing into the kitchen cupboards.


Guitars and Choices: Staying in the city could cost him his life but going home means facing a buried past and truths long hidden. Asher Logan has been a lot of things: runaway, guitarist, cage fighter, and cowboy, but the one thing he’s always avoided was being a father to his young son. Now faced with returning to his family's ranch, he’s forced to deal with the knowledge that the move would put him right down the road from Shawn. Still, it’s better than staying in the city, with drunken, bitter older brother Cole, whose anger and prejudices have made him difficult to be around.
Add in the fact that Asher’s new boyfriend, Conner, is eager to make the move with him, and there’s little argument that he can make against it. But returning home means facing demons, and the barn he’s avoided since the day his father caught him and his first love together in the hay. Speaking of his father, when the old man finds out Asher is back, he knows it will only be a matter of time before he demands Asher come to the prison to see him. Moving means facing a buried past and truths long hidden, but staying in the city isn’t good for anyone, least of all Asher’s young nephew, Rory. It’s a hard road to face, filled with tough choices, and an old secret that just might provide more questions than answers. Warning: Self-harm/suicidal ideology, accident/near drowning, mentions of death/grief, dysfunctional family, and transphobia

Guitars and Choices can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BLJ2Q7QK

Excerpt from Guitars and Choices:

“You worry too much,” Asher whispered to Conner, whose plate was piled high with a little bit of everything.

Conner chuckled. “When it comes to you, I don’t think that’s possible.”

“Ha, ha, ha,” Asher grumbled as he popped the tab on his soda and took a long drink. The cold felt good on his parched throat.

Rory was dismantling his cheeseburger, so Asher reached over and put it back together.

“Come on, I like it that way,” Rory protested.

“And that’s fine at home, where we can chuck you in the shower after you’ve covered yourself in ketchup and pickle juice. Unless you wanna take a bath in the duck pond, you’ll keep it all together.”

“Fine.” Rory pouted until Alexia reached over and tousled his hair; then he was all flailing hands and squeals of protest as he tried to brush it back down.

Asher grinned. “Now you look like a porcupine.”

Scowling at his uncle, Rory gave up trying to fix his hair. His eyes lit up as they landed on the can of whipped cream sitting in a bowl of ice on the table. Before anyone could stop him, he’d snatched it up and sprayed Asher, leaving his face a sticky mess. Silence descended over the table for half a second, before everyone cracked up.

“Now you look like a, um….” Rory turned to Alexia. “What was that monkey we saw at the zoo?”

“Saki monkey,” Alexia told him, nearly falling out of her chair. “And you do, Asher, oh my God, I wish I had my sketchbook.”

A couple of subtle clicks told him that sketchbook or no, this moment would not be soon forgotten. Asher blinked and reached up to wipe his face, only to have Conner catch his hand and stop him.

Conner ran a finger through the sticky cream on Asher’s cheek, then sucked it from his finger. “You make a good dessert.”

Asher’s eyes widened and he felt his neck flush. Suddenly it was far too warm for a fall day and his jeans were feeling too tight.

Conner smiled and dipped a paper towel in a Dixie cup of water to wipe off the remaining mess.

Now you’re helpful,” Asher muttered, but held still and let Conner finish cleaning him up. Not like he really wanted to move; he was waiting for his jeans to feel less restricting, shocked that such a simple act had affected him so much. Of course, it was hard for him to look at Conner at all without feeling some level of desire.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Musical Monday: Who do you think you are?


On this musical Monday, I'd like to take you back to Rocktoberfest 2022 and my Rockstar Romance Bleeding Dawn. 

Identical in appearance, twins Winter and Tripp are as different as night and day when it comes to everything but the music they’ve spent the bulk of their lifetimes composing. Now they’ve attained the fame they always hoped for, and it’s as empty and meaningless as the remains of route 66, and about as broken too. Would help if Winter could see it. Tripp’s sure he’ll lose his shit completely the next time some random groupie leaps on the hood of his car and begs to take a selfie, but to Winter, every night is a party, he lives for the crazy hookups, lives for the crazy, period.

Another place they differ.

Tripp would kill for one season to slow down. Just three months where he and Zakk could melt into obscurity and be whomever they wanted, together. Only Zakk’s band, Tattered Angel, is on fire too and it’s starting to seem like the music he’s always loved is hell-bent on keeping him from exploring love of a different kind. Last year’s Rocktoberfest was an amazing triumph, this year, it’s starting to feel like the road to the desert is burning him alive.

Would be so easy to slip off across the sand, melt into a dune on the back of some strange, psychedelic serpent, never to be heard from again. If only there was a way to ensure Zakk took that last ride with him.

Bleeding Dawn is part of the multi-author The Road to Rocktoberfest 2022 series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but why not read them all and see who hits the stage next? Hot rockstars and the men who love them, what more could you ask for? Kick back, load up your kindle, and enjoy the men of Rocktoberfest!

Warning: Illness, drug/alcohol use, accident/vehicle crash, and the general behavior rockers get up to.

His first thought was that he needed to track Winter down and fix it, his second, was to wonder who the fuck Dez thought he was, to be lecturing him on shit after what Tripp had read while he’d been stuck at the Bismarck Airport.

“Maybe you should work your own shit out, before you stick your nose in someone else’s,” Tripp snapped as he jerked his phone out of his pocket and flipped through it, finding the article he was after and turning it so Dez could see.

Tripp knew what the headline said, the speculation about the woman draped all over Riley in the photos that accompanied it, including one where she was sitting in his lap, his arms around her as she looked to be kissing his neck.

Tripp waited for Dez to lose his shit with a sick sense of anticipation he wasn’t exactly proud of. He expected embarrassment, sputtered attempts at an explanation, not….snickering?

What the actual fuck?

When those snickers gave way to laughter and Dez using the wall to hold himself up, Tripp was certain he’d just fallen headlong into the Twilight Zone.

“What the fuck is so god damned funny this early in the day?” Riley grumbled as he stuck his head out in the hallway, took one look at Tripp and rolled his eyes. “Oh, you.”

Tapping Dez on the shoulder only got him to turn his laughter and the phone Riley’s way.

“What are you trying to do, laugh him off the doorstep?” Riley asked, taking the phone when Dez nearly dropped it and his pants.

“He thinks….you two…are seein’…each….other…” Dez choked out in between wheezes.

Riley’s giggles when he saw the photos were as unexpected as Dez’s reaction, only now he was hollering over his shoulder to Zakk, who sounded sleepy, drunk and grumpy as he came shambling to the doorway, looking every bit as rumpled as Dez and Riley did.

“Why ya gotta be so fuckin’ loud, bru?”

And there was the pretty little bun on the shitburger sandwich his day had turned into. Drunken fuck’ Zakk, who crashed into Riley and the door before spotting Tripp standing there and giving him a little wave.

“Can I talk to you?” Tripp pleaded, desperately hoping there was some shred of comprehension left in Zakk’s booze-soaked brain, or he’d have come all this way for nothing.

“You gotta see this!” Riley declared at the same time, thrusting the phone in front of Zakk’s face and blocking his view of the desperate, pleading look Tripp was shooting him. “He thinks I’m cheating on Dez…. with your sister!”

There was no reason for Riley to say that last word so loud, no reason for the three of them to go absolutely batshit crazy with the laughter either, but there they were, slapping their knees, grabbing on to one another, Dez’s pants around his ankles now as they howled like manic coyotes at his expense.

Fury and humiliation surged through him as he snatched the phone from Zakk’s hand. “You can all go to hell!”

Whirling around, he stalked to the elevator, kicking himself the whole way for ruining things with Zakk and wishing he could kick them for not letting him fix it. Punching the button several times in the unrealistic hope that it could make the doors open faster, Tripp never expected any of them to stop him, let alone the person doing it to be Dez, who caught him by the arm and looked ready to throw down if Tripp decided to take a swing at him.

“You shouldn’t leave without telling him what you came here to say,” Dez said. “Don’t you think he deserves an apology at least?”

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Little and Lethal!


Mission completed, information extracted and passed along to those who could dismantle the brothel the way Cosmo had taken apart the tiger he’d caught. A murder of crows, an army of fire ants, and an untold number of rats would feast on the pieces for a while. He’d scattered them over dozens of miles in the thickest, most wooded areas he could access. Now he was just exhausted and in desperate need of a diversion until he could tuck the images away in a place where they wouldn’t haunt him.

It was getting harder to do on his own, which was exactly why he’d dressed in a brown fuzzy crop top with matching hood and brown boy shorts with a small tail resembling that of a bear cup on the rear. His hood even had rounded off bear ears on the top. His cat had gotten a great deal of amusement out of choosing that and wearing it where Gabai could see it, back when he was still getting giant hugs from the massive bear. It remained one of his favorite outfits even now that Gabai was mated and bearhugs were no longer on the menu at Little Paws Haven. Besides, there was an amazingly huge Rhino who not only knew how to hug the stuffing out of him, but was in need of some of the intel Cosmo had gathered. Bash would take his time getting it too, and let him use his body as his personal stuffy until he’d purged himself of the burdens and information he carried.

He was well aware of the fact that his bounces had lost their vigor and his smile was forced. His curls were messy and haphazardly brushed, one particularly errant one falling into his eyes as he skimmed the room for Bash, finally spotting him near a padded bench, about to tug Kit over his lap.

It took some careful maneuvering to weave around those who stood between him and his target, but he managed it for the most part, only crashing into one person, who reached to steady him, only to touch air when he’d deftly avoided the contact. He caught a glimpse of their face, one of the new guys, and a flash of frustration he gave little concern to as he slotted his body between Bash and Kit and batted his eyes up at the big Rhino.

“You promised to play with me,” he declared, pouting and giving Rhino his saddest look.

“So I did,” Bash declared, reading the moment correctly and giving Kit a little shrug. “Raincheck, Kit.”

“Yeah, sure, it’s all good,” Kit declared, melting into the crowd as Bash closed his arms around Cosmo and picked him up, carrying him against his shoulder towards the Littles playroom.

You got something for me? Bash thought to him.


Good deal.

Cosmo pressed his face against Bash’s shoulder and burrowed there all the way to the playroom, clinging as Bash got comfortable.

You’ve lost weight. You need to eat more. Jeb is bringing snacks over. I’m gonna feed ‘em to you while you fill me in. Bash informed him.

That was really good, because his tummy rumbled, reminding him that he’d forgotten to eat again.

There’s a pair of rhinos, young, captured and being held for auction. They’re trapped in their shifted forms. The tiger claimed not to know how that was done. He gave up the location, though. Cosmo conveyed as Bash held a tender chicken nugget to his lips. Humming contently, he accepted it and licked Bash’s fingers in thanks.

If they are the pair I’ve been hunting for, I’ll have some good news to convey to the family that’s been searching for them. Bash said.

I hope they are.

Me too.

More chicken was offered, and sips of creamy milk that left Cosmo purring and sleepy by the time his tummy was full. Bash seemed to understand that all he wanted was to nap wrapped in warm arms and continued to hold him long after he’d given up the location and the rest of the intel about the rhino pair he’d been able to gather. Sleep claimed him then, and he gave into it gratefully, falling limp against the firm form of his rhino friend.  

 MMM Paranormal Shifter Romance / Fated Mates / Daddy Kink / MC club / Two Sexy Daddy’s / One adorably lethal Little cat

Cosmo, a tiny black-footed cat, uses his Little persona to cope with the darker side of his lifestyle. Can his two fated mates see beyond the cute exterior before those hunting Cosmo succeed in their mission—to murder him?

Harley and Nomad, mates, in need of a place to lie low until the dust settles on their last shifter council operation, find their way to Cookietown. They apply and take the offer to run the local BDSM club, only Fate steps once more into their lives and they meet their third, Cosmo.

Cosmo feels the pull to the two large cats, but he’s uncertain they’ll accept him for who he really is. Problem, they aren’t his biggest concern, not by far. Secretly uncovering information on the shifter council, Cosmo doesn’t know who to trust with everything he’s discovered.

Through patience, threats, a near death experience, and an unforgettable spanking, the two cats finally win over Cosmo, only this is when their problems truly begin. The clock is ticking and the race to save the shifter community is on. Will they succeed or lose everything?

Little & Lethal (Book two of the Little Paws Haven Series) is a paranormal, fated mates, daddies/boy romance where two panthers learn small can be equally deadly.

Little and Lethal can be found here!