Saturday, December 23, 2023

Firework Friday, the moment passions and tempers explode!


From my current WIP: Be My Little Valentine: Shanny's Surprise which is available for preorder here!

Shanny has had a little accident and Casey and Riggs are taking him to the hospital to get checked out.

“Here we go, sweetheart,” Riggs cooed as they reached the sidewalk where Casey waited with his car. He had the door open too, which made it easier to ease Shanny inside. His insides did a funny flip flop when Shanny refused to let go, meaning Riggs about cracked his head on the roof of the car climbing in after him. Shanny immediately curled up against him which made it difficult for Riggs to get their seatbelts on but he managed as Casey pulled away from the curb and headed in the direction of the hospital.

“How bad did it look,” Casey asked as he maneuvered through traffic.

“I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure he dislocated it.”


“It might not have happened if you hadn’t gotten in my way.”

“Dude, what the hell? I just wanted to invite you to a munch at Angus’.” Casey said. “Look, I know shit has been tough for you lately but why all the hostility?”

“Now isn’t the time or the place to get into it.”

“Fine, I can respect that, just know it had better come soon.”

Riggs just grumbled beneath his breath as he stroked Shanny’s hair. All of his focus on the man in his arms.

“I see how you look at him,” Casey said. “I have no intention of getting in that way if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“It’s not, but thanks,” Riggs growled, refusing to give the man the satisfaction of knowing that there had been some concerns regarding just that particular issue.

“Good, ‘cause I mean it. I’ve got my eye on someone else and I wish you all the best. Despite the circumstances he looks like he was made to be in your embrace.”

“How very poetic of you,” Riggs muttered. “Now would you kindly drop it.”

“Consider it dropped.”

They hit a pothole and the anguished cry Shanny let out made his heart ache.

“Can you not hit every bump in the street,” Riggs snapped

“I’m doing the best I can, here,” Casey growled. “It’s not my fault the city city can’t be bothered to repair their streets.”

“Gonna fill it with your corpse if you nail another hole like that,” Riggs declared.

“Under the circumstances, I’m gonna let that slide, but if you ever threaten me again, we will have issues. Just tend to your boy and let me get us there.”

“He’s not…” Riggs began, only to catch a glimpse of Casey in the rear view, looking fierce and pissed off.

“Don’t bother feeding me that line of bullshit,” Casey said. “It might not be official, but he is in every way that counts.”

Riggs looked down at the man clinging to him and wished he could take all his pain away.

“Goddamnit, how far are we from the hospital,” Riggs hissed.

“Less than two minutes,” Casey said as he took a somewhat sharp left to beat a light, drawing another cry from Shanny.

“Casey…” Riggs warned.

“Look, it’s right there,” Casey said, the lights at the end of the street showing that they were practically there. Another hard bounce, another heartbreaking whimper, and then they were pulling up at the ER.

“We’re here,” Riggs said, gently hugging Shanny while Casey rushed to get the door open and help Riggs guide Shanny out.

“It hurts so much,” Shanny sobbed as they got him inside.

“I gotta move the car,” Casey said.

“You don’t have to stay,” Riggs insisted.

“No, but I want to.”

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