Monday, February 5, 2024

Musical Monday: Divided plates and the reason Dez prefers to eat alone.


Dez was an interesting character to write and one of the quirkiest I've ever worked with. I loved writing his journey and that of the rest of Tattered Angel as they came together and hope to soon tell Damien's story. Dez is Demisexual and makes it clear that he needs to form an attachment with someone before he can engage in a physical relationship with them. That's not to say that Dez is opposed to a relationship getting physical, he just needs time for it to develop organically and not be pushed before he's ready to progress to that step in the relationship. 

Dez is also the second character I've worked with that has some special food considerations that are very important to his story. While not as extreme as Jax in ...And All Shall Fade To Black, who has an eating disorder and has been engaged in unhealthy methods of keeping himself from gaining back the weight he's worked so hard to lose, Dez has textural issues with foods, in addition to visual ones. He doesn't like food to touch or be mixed up in any way. He doesn't eat things like casseroles, because it's too many things, and even pizza is unappealing. Now, he will eat the ingredients if they are in separate compartments on a plate, but not if they are compiled. It's something he hadn't told some of his bandmates and instead, isolated himself from them at mealtimes to hide something he's somewhat embarrassed to talk about. He does, however, tell the members of Tattered Angel, when declining their invitation to celebrate with pizza following his agreeing to play with them. Fortunately, the members of Tattered Angel are a special crew and their response was one that only cemented Dez's decision to join them.  

Tattered Angel can be found on Amazon here!

My Additional two Road to Rocktoberfest novels can also be found on Amazon. 

Bleeding Dawn
Damaged Saints

“You can tell a wicked lot about a fella by what he puts on his pizza, so why don’t we head over to Sal’s and feast. I dunno about the rest of you, but my brain hurts. All that puzzle solvin’ and hunting’ for clues works up an appetite,” Zakk remarked as they piled into Riley’s SUV. Dez would have preferred his Honda Shadow to a cage, especially one with guys he was only just getting to know, but according to Uncle Max, it still needed work and wasn’t safe to drive. He’d been adamant about there being some parts too worn down to be trusted. Dez wasn’t entirely sold on that line of bullshit. His uncle wouldn’t be above a little fibbing if he thought it would force Dez to spend more time interacting with the band.

He had to admit, the escape room had been fun. His original plan, to hang back and observe them, had been blown right out the water almost as soon as they’d entered the room. Turned out they’d wanted his input, and not just for him to follow blindly along with what they planned to do. It was refreshing, not being made to feel like an outsider, never sure if he truly belonged, or was simply being tolerated until a better option came along.

“Pizza sounds like an exceptionally good idea,” Damien said, smacking his lips as he slid into the back seat next to Dez. “I’ve got a taste for spicy buffalo chicken, bacon, and ranch with blue cheese crumble. What toppings do you typically partake of?”

“None. Sorry. Hate to break it to you guys, but I hate pizza and anything that even remotely resembles pizza,” Dez remarked with a shrug. “But if you guys want to go to Sal’s, that’s cool, you can drop me off at the music store over on 8th. I could use some new strings for both my bass and my acoustic. Might as well see if they’ve got a blues harmonica set since I keep forgetting to pick one up.”

Zakk spun around to peer over the back of his seat at him. “The fuck? You play the harmonica too? Christ man, is there anything you can’t play?”

“Lots of things. And I wouldn’t necessarily call my fumblings with the harmonica playing. More like whining that occasionally stumbles onto a tune, but I’m learning.”

“Excuse me but, am I the only one who finds it a bit concerning that he hates pizza?” Damien said. He was staring at Dez like he’d just claimed to own a flying unicorn. “How can you possibly hate pizza? It is the most perfect food ever invented. It’s practically a dietician’s dream with every food group conveniently rolled into one. It’s the universal food. You can load it up with anything and everything imaginable. Lamb, squid, any vegetable your heart desires. You can take a culinary tour of the finest cheeses in the world and have them perfectly assembled on a single crust. Pray tell, what is there not to like about pizza?”

Dez shrugged again and ran his fingers along the armrest, contemplating getting out. He got it, he was a freak, and not just for hating pizza. Wait until they found out about his other food issues.  They were liable to laugh their asses off. Better just rip the band-aid off now and get it over with in the privacy of the vehicle where there wouldn’t be an audience to his humiliation.

“Looks, it’s not just pizza I hate. It’s any food where a whole bunch of stuff is touching, or all mixed up. So, I don’t really eat soup, or stew or casserole or even a salad unless I can get it deconstructed,” He replied softly, refusing to look at them. “I um, won’t eat off a plate or tray that isn’t divided so nothing can drip, flow, or ooze onto something else. I have issues with textures too. Overripe bananas, tomatoes that are beginning to get soft and lose their crispness, and bread of any sort that has collected moisture and feels or tastes damp or the least bit soggy. I’ve tried eating avocados, but, ick. Needless to say, I don’t eat out much. I don’t want to make things difficult for the kitchen by asking for everything to be put in a different bowl and I don’t want people staring at me, so, if you’re gonna laugh, please go ahead and get it over with.”

“You have not given us a reason to laugh so why would we?” Damien asked. “Today was about discovering more about each other and I, for one, am happy you informed us of your aversions so we can avoid any messy faux pas when we’re on the road. It is not a source of ridicule and we will not treat it as such.”

“Besides,” Riley added. “My older sister is the same way. I keep an impressive collection of divided trays for her at my apartment for whenever she comes to visit. We’ve got deconstructionist cooking down to an art form and I have to admit, some foods are simply better that way.”

Dez jerked his attention away from the window to see the earnest look on both of their faces. When he glanced at Zakk, there wasn’t the smallest hint of amusement on his face. If anything, he looked concerned. The moment their eyes met; Zakk raised an eyebrow at him. “Did you really think we were the kind of assholes who’d give you shit about something you have no control over?”

Shrugging, Dez wished the thought hadn’t entered his mind, but it had, and he wasn’t going to lie to them about it. “It’s happened before.”

“With one of the other bands?” Zakk asked.

“The Saints weren’t bad about it. Mostly I just went off and did my own thing for meals anyway so it was never a big deal and if we were eating together I’d just try to find the simplest thing on the menu or something I could ask to have served separately. There were a few times when someone made a crack about it or asked if I was gonna be the guy backstage who asked for nothing but green Skittles, but for the most part, they left it alone.”

“Which tells me the guys in Carrion didn’t,” Riley pointed out.

Damn, but he was intuitive as fuck.  Dez was left torn between wanting to squirm and wanting to get lost in the piercingly observant gaze Riley leveled at him.

“Your silence says everything you refuse to,” Damien chimed in.

“Let’s just say it was the object of much amusement and a way to liven things up on the road when the guys got bored,” Dez muttered. God, it still infuriated him to think about. He hated them knowing just how little consideration his former bandmates had for him. “Look, I’m gonna catch a cab, okay. Escape room was a lot of fun. You guys are pretty chill. I hope you get to do Rocktoberfest.”

Pushing on the door got him nowhere and hitting the button on the lock just resulted in Riley hitting it again. Nothing happened the second time he tried it, not even the sliding sound of the locking mechanism moving.

Chuckling, Riley waved a finger at him, like he was warning a naughty child to behave. “Don’t bother. This thing has child-safety locks which are currently engaged. Oh, and put your seatbelt on while you’re at it. We’re going to Unraveled Roses. I think you’ll like it. They specialize in deconstructed food. My sister and I go out to eat there at least twice a month. It’s awesome.”

“It really is. Besides, we ain’t done yet. Let’s fuel up and crash the music store. You’re not the only one with shit they need to pick up,” Zakk remarked, clicking his seatbelt in place while staring intently at Dez.


“Seatbelt. We don’t need our new singer smearing himself against the back of the seats if the old lead foot up there stomps the brakes too hard.”

“It seems we are to have the pleasure of your company for a few more hours,” Damien added, getting comfortable in his seat, which prompted Dez to finally do the same. “Good. I find you most intriguing.”

“Okay real talk bro,” Zakk blurted over Riley’s snarled curse as he pulled away from the curb and into the flow of congested traffic, honking horns aplenty. “Exactly how many instruments do you have a handle on? Riley and Damien said somethin’ ‘bout you playing the bagpipes during a show, and now you're tossing some shit out about the bass and harmonica, so dish, is that all or are there more?"

“A few,” he admitted, relaxing as the conversation shifted to the one subject he could talk about all day. “I’m proficient enough on a keyboard to accompany most people, but I lack the passion for playing it onstage. I don’t like the traditional piano though. I’m too soft of a touch on it. If I have to focus on how much pressure to apply, then I can’t give myself over to it completely.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Damien nodding in agreement. “I share that sentiment, much to the dismay of my grandfather who was an aficionado. He attempted, many times, to teach me when I was younger, but try as I might, I never could get the handle on it. Despite several growth spurts, my hands remained too small to pull off most of the sharps.”

“I can reach ‘em, but I’m shit at hitting them hard enough, especially during a changeover.  Don’t think hand size has anything to do with it though. I’ve been told my hands are extra-large, and I still can’t coax the proper sound outta those notes.”

Zakk snorted, Damien dissolved into a fit of laughter in the backseat, while Riley coughed, hard, punctuated by a bit of swerving as the car hit a pothole in the road. A blaring horn to the left of them signaled another driver’s displeasure as Riley fumbled with his drink, nearly choking as he tried to gulp the water down. Dez tried not to join them in their laughter and failed miserably.

“Unless I miss my guess, their minds have just toppled over a slippery slope leading straight to the gutter,” Damien cackled.

“Are you sure they don’t live there?” Dez asked, trying, and failing, to get himself under control.

“Even if we don’t get into Rocktoberfest, I want to see what we can create together. Though, after playing that, I’m hoping we do get in. The crowd response alone is bound to be epic.”

“Indeed. It is devastating enough to be sidelined, but knowing it came at the hands of a deceitful weasel I considered a friend is nearly intolerable. Thank you for seeing the potential in this union. For the first time in months, I have something to look forward to.” Damien admitted.

“After those try-outs and the way it seemed like you were gonna turn us down, we sat talking about the future of the band and none of us were sure we could go through another round of auditions again.” Riley added, “I’m glad we don’t have to.”

“My ears offer their most sincere appreciation,” Damien remarked.

“Mine too,” Riley added. “But more than that, I’m thanking you. After hearing you play, we all agreed that you were the guy we wanted and if we couldn’t make that happen then it was time to shift from being on hiatus to calling ourselves defunct and leaving it at that.”

Now that stopped him cold, and Dez shifted his gaze from the neon lights of the city to the two men watching him intently. “Why?”

“For the same reason, you said yes,” Riley replied. “When you play, it isn’t a bunch of notes and chords, it’s emotion. You play from your heart and I know we can write some amazing shit together.”

“Just to be clear, we are aiming more towards the amazing end of the spectrum than the shit one?” Dez quipped, and damn, but Riley looked adorable choking back laughter while his cheeks got redder and redder.

“Without question,” Damien remarked, snickering.

“Dare I ask what’s so funny?” Zakk asked as he stepped into the room carrying a tray of food.

“Just another dose of Dez humor,” Riley replied.

“Well, in that case, dish, don’t leave me out in the cold.”

Even as he was talking, he was passing out food. A heaping plate of chicken nachos topped with green chilies, shredded cheese, and sour cream for Damien, and a similar plate for Riley, sans the sour cream. What Zakk passed him, though, sent a surge of warmth and acceptance through Dez unlike any he’d experienced with his previous two bands.

“Where in the world did you find this?” Dez asked as he picked up the colorful divided plate Zakk had thoughtfully arranged his food on. Chips in one compartment, shredded chicken in another, cheese in the third, cubed, rather than melted, and diced tomatoes in their own smaller compartment. Even the lime wedges had been carefully placed in a small, matching bowl that sat among the chips, keeping the juice away from everything.

“At a shop down on third, in the arts district. I got a set of four. A lady there makes them. You should check it out. She’s got some awesome colors. I’ve got her card. Remind me to give it to you before you go.”

“Thanks, man…this is…thank you.”

It was too small a phrase for a gesture that meant so much, but nothing else came to mind. To his right, Riley scooped the first bite into his mouth, licking sauce from his lips with a look of absolute bliss on his face, while Zakk poured four shot glasses of Tequila.

“A toast to Dez for being a complete badass,” Zakk said when he was done.

A chorus of ‘hell yeah’ went up as they raised their glasses to him, making him blush a little as he raised his glass too, before throwing it back and sucking on the lime to kill the burn. Damn, it was good, but what was better was the camaraderie and feeling of being appreciated despite not feeling like he’d done much of anything, yet. He planned to, though. Especially now that Riley had planted that little seed in the back of his mind about writing together.

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