Saturday, December 21, 2019

Rainbow Snippet 12/21/2019

Of old bones and new beginnings!

Rainbow Snippets gives writers a chance to share six sentences (and sometimes a little more) of LGBTQ+ fiction every weekend. 

“Dude, that food was off the fuckin’ chain,” Nash told him before Jude could leave.
“Thanks, I’m glad you liked it, it’s one of the only things I can cook well.”
“Yeah, right, judging from that, I’d be willing to bet you could cook anything you put your mind to.”
“Oh no, please do not encourage him to attempt anything beyond the ten recipes he has memorized. I only just got the last of the soot and burned on sauce off the wall behind the stove after his attempt at beef enchiladas.”
Nash frowned and chuckled a little as he helped Justice clear the table. “How the fuck do you fuck up enchiladas?”
“No, no, no, no, no, you do not get to ask or he might decide to repeat the performance.”
“Since you guys seem to be getting so much amusement out of my fuck up, then why don’t one of you give them a shot next Sunday?” Jude challenged.

While Justice was focused on getting soapy water in the sink, Nash was more than willing to consider it. “I’m in,” Nash said, “but let’s make it really interesting and let Justice make dessert.”

                                                                        Now Available!