Sunday, December 29, 2019

Rainbow Snippet 12/29/2019

Rainbow Snippets gives writers a chance to share six sentences (and sometimes a little more) of LGBTQ+ fiction every weekend. 

 “Look, I um, gotta be honest. I wasn’t planning to get a room at the motel, more like city park. Even if I get a job, I can’t afford the motel until I get my first paycheck, so umm, if you’ll just let me out at the hardware store, that’ll be more than good enough.”

When the truck jerked to a stop, Nash was grateful for the seatbelt or he’d have hit the dash.

“You’re planning to sleep in the park?”

“Yeah, if I get a job, if not, well, then how much will it cost to scrap the bike?”

“You can’t be serious right now.”

Nash poured all of his effort into making his voice as harsh and firm as he could. “How much!”

“Nothing. We don’t work that way. We give cash based on the weight of the metal, which, I have to admit, wouldn’t be much for an old bike like that.”

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  1. Poor Nash. Doesn't sound like things are too promising for him at the moment.

  2. Ouch! Nash is off to a rough start indeed.
