Sunday, August 16, 2020

Rainbow Snippet 8/16/2020


Rainbow Snippets gives writers a chance to share six sentences (and sometimes a little more) of LGBTQ+ fiction every weekend. Check out the Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook for more snippets:

From my current WIP Tattered Angel Coming October 16
A little more than six sentences this week:

“I’m pretty sure there’s nothing Riley won’t let past his lips, especially if it poses a challenge or is presented as a dare,” Zakk remarked.

“Really?” Dez pondered with a Cheshire cat grin that left Riley wishing there was a way to shake the hell outta Zakk that wouldn’t leave them at the center of a fiery wreck.

“Quiet you, aren’t you supposed to be paying attention to the road? I thought we had a rule about not holding extended conversations with the driver.”

“Yeah, yeah, you just want me to shut up before Dez figures out what a freak you actually are.”

“Too late.” Dez shot back, the skin at the corner of his eyes crinkling he was smiling so hard.

“Brussel sprouts,” Riley blurted, hoping to spin things back to some level of PG while simultaneously wishing they were alone so they could take a hard left and veer firmly into the smut zone. “Liver and Onions. Rabbit, they’re just too damn cute, I don’t care how tender people claim it is. Rocky Mountain Oysters…fuck that, not happening.”

“Why not, they’re actually pretty good, or maybe it was the top shelf tequila that was sinfully good, and the Rocky Mountain Oysters just went down smooth because of it.”

Staring at him, Riley kept waiting for some sign that he was joking, but Dez just shrugged like it was no big thing. “Hey, you’re not the only one who hates turning down a dare.”