Sunday, February 6, 2022

Lazy Sunday Cinema with Dez and Riley of Tattered Angel: Hotel Transylvania and memories of when we zinged.

“Okay, so you’re serious, we’re actually doing this?”

The note of skepticism on Riley’s face would have been laughable, if Dez didn’t already feel so bad about all the time they hadn’t been spending together.

“I turned off both our phones and threw them in the drawer. Popcorn is popped, with extra butter, just the way you like it. I warned the guys not to stop by, and all three locks are on the door. Hell, I even hung that do not disturb sign we stole from the motel on the back of it to drive the point home, just in case anyone got a wild hair and decided to pop in. The afternoon is ours and I’m yours for every millisecond of it.”

When Riley narrowed his eyes at him, Dez wondered what the hell he could have possibly forgot.

“The computers are turned off?”


“And your notebook is put away?”

“Locked in the same drawer as the phones.”

Riley looked all around, scrutinizing every corner.

“My guitars are in the music room, all of them. I’m serious, Riley, no distractions, we’re gonna watch movies and veg.”

“And no movies about music either,” Riley grumbled.

“Nope, I’ve got Hotel Transylvania loaded up, and the sequels in a pile beside the machine. When we’re done with those, I’ve got the Ice Age movies lined up. We are one hundred percent completely good to go.”

“One hundred percent, huh?” Riley said, sprawling against the arm of the couch. “I’m gonna hold you to that.”

“I bet you will,” Dez replied, dropping onto the cushion beside him and hitting play, while Riley dug into the popcorn.

“Ohh nice, you really went all out with the butter.”

“Against my better judgement, yeah, I did, but don’t blame me when your next cholesterol check is off the charts and your doc puts you on meds and orders you to change your diet.

“Duly noted, now how about sharing how you managed to get it so perfect when every time I make a bag it chars in the center?”

“Simple,” Dez remarked, leaning across him for a handful. “I pause it halfway through the popping to shake the bag so the heat gets distributed better.”



“Damn. I’ll remember that,” Riley replied, snorting at the dismayed look on the janitors face when it was revealed the clogged toilet was the result of bigfoot with a stomach ache.

“Oh man, I feel that,” Riley muttered as the janitor let out a cry and stared forlornly at his plunger. “I don’t know how the fuck he does it, but every god damned time James is over here he manages to clog the one in the hall.”

Snickering, Dez watched Frankenstein’s rear end back up behind the mummy, letting out a green tinged fart cloud the witches were forced to suck up with bellows and fire into the fireplace flames. Toad stools actually made of toads, bride of Frankenstein griping about the travel arrangements, they were laughing and pressed together less than fifteen minutes into the movie’s opening.

“Okay, I so want a pet bat,” Riley muttered, as pouty bat face dominated the screen.

“And what happens when Lady Luna Lily decides it would make good pouncing practice?”

“Uh, yeah, that could be a problem.”

“Could always find you a stuffed one?”

“So Zakk and Damien can laugh their asses off the minute I carry it onto the RV?”

“You could always leave it here,” Dez offered. “Though in fairness, you kinda deserve the shade they’d throw your way, considering the whole Daffy incident.”

“Oh my god, I did not mean to set the damned vest on fire.”

“I don’t know man, was awfully suspicious that it happened when you were the only one in the RV.”

“In all fairness….” Riley began, words dissolving into laughter. “Did she seriously say a bad-tempered piranha ate her sister-in-law?”

“She so did.”

“Shit, I wish something would eat mine.”

Laughing, Dez enjoyed the freak out of the human when he realized the monsters were real, the spinning ping-pong ball of energy bouncing around the room. There was this moment though, when Frankenhomie, otherwise known as Jonathan the human, made eye contact with Mavis and the whole eye swirling, zoned in on one another, fireworks thing happened and Dez couldn’t resist pulling Riley around to face him.

“That’s how I felt, when I saw you,” Dez murmured, pulling him in for a kiss. “Wanted to choke the life outta you for making me think about music again, but I wanted to kiss you too, shove you against the wall, make out until you couldn’t remember what you were trying to ask me.”

“Like this,” Riley growled, pinning Dez to the back of the couch, tongue invading his mouth until the sounds of the movie melted away. Riley’s hair, crushed in his fists, was as soft as feathers, his body molded against Dez’s, the taste of butter and salt on his lips. Riley sighed, finally easing away and turning back to the movie.

“Oh ick ick ick!” Dez muttered, cringing about as much as Dracula was at Jonathan trying to get the contact out of his eyes.

Fingers away from the eyeballs. Enough!

Dez had to agree with Drac on that.

“It’s not that bad,” Riley remarked, laughing at the scrunched-up look Dez knew was still on his face.

“I’ll take your word for it and continue to refrain from being anywhere near you when you’re taking yours out at night.”


“Just call me KFC.”

What’s the alternative, staying at home and never seeing what’s out there?

Jonathan’s words reminded Dez of the conversations he and Winter had been having lately, about the way his friend was thinking about taking off, seeing the things in the journal he kept, all magazine cut outs and lists of obscure destinations.

“Now that should be a ride,” Riley declared, startling Dez out of his thoughts. “I’d stand in line all day to get on something like that.”

“I’d be right there with you,” Dez remarked, staring the flying tables, Drac and Jonathan chasing each other around the dining room, surfing and shoving one another until they crashed.

“Someday, I wanna be big enough where we can rent out a whole park for a couple hours, just so we can enjoy the place,” Riley muttered as the mood of the movie changed again.

“We tour with Wild Child and we could do that easily.”

“If. No one’s agreed on anything yet. Wild Child hasn’t even chosen their new bassist, they’ve run into the same issue we had trying to find a singer, only none of them have been lucky enough to wander into a dish room and find a miracle.”

Just hearing that, Dez felt his face heat up. “Wouldn’t say I was a miracle.”

“To us you were,” Riley said, pulling him into a kiss.

When their eyes met, Dez felt fireworks all over again, and he shivered as Riley’s breath ghosted along the skin behind his ear.

“To me, you always will be,” Riley whispered. “Always.”

Tattered Angel on Amazon and Kindle Select

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