Saturday, December 17, 2022

Rainbow Snippet: Lion shifter WIP 12/17/2022


Coming 2023

Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!). 

In this group you’ll find anything from romance and historical fiction to mystery and YA. The common thread is that every story’s main character identifies as LGBTQ+. The snippets could range from zero flames to full-on sexytimes, anything goes content-wise. The only rule is snippets will be 6 sentences long–one for each color in the Pride flag.

I would invite everyone to please come check out the Rainbow Snippets group, click on a link, read and comment on the writing available and get involved yourselves in this awesome exercise. The link to the group can be found HERE.  

This week's Rainbow Snippet comes from my current WIP, an MMMMM Lion shifter Harem romance. 

I’m curious about something, Nathan thought to Misha, who wondered if he was also sharing the conversation with Pike.

He is. Pike replied. Misha shot him a grateful look and lolled out his tongue to lick a paw, though his focus was on the turtle head that had just poked out from the surface of the water.

You mentioned that your friend wanted to go to New Orleans and was fascinated by the food and culture there, Nathan thought. But you never mentioned what fascinated you, or where you’d hoped to visit.

That’s because it was nowhere near as interesting.

Why not let us be the judge of that, Pike thought.

I wanted to see the ocean, Misha replied. That’s all. It doesn’t matter which ocean, Atlantic, Pacific, either one will do. I just want to stand in the face of all that majesty, dig my toes in the sand and feel the waves break against my hips as the water splashes over me.

You paint a beautiful picture with just your words, Nathan said. We’ve never seen the ocean either. The closest we’ve come was still hundreds of miles away from it.

We want to see it though. Pike insisted. It’s hard to imagine how vast it is, and how powerful. I bet it’s hard to feel anything but insignificant in the face of all those rolling waves, especially in the midst of a storm.