Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday Fireworks! Launching the Pride Cruise 2024 collection!


The first book in the 2024 Pride Cruise Secrets, Secrets Aboard by Brina Brady, goes live in just a few hours! Don't forget to set your anchor, find a few umbrella adorned drinks, sprawl out on that deck chair and relax as you enjoy each adventure. 

In Secrets Aboard: 

Luka trades the short-term approval of his lover by helping with a home robbery for the gilded cage of Captain Clarke’s cruise ship.

A year of servitude, a court-mandated reprieve from prison, all thanks to his influential father’s deal. Sadly, Luka’s immediate future includes scrubbing the decks and hauling suitcases, a stark contrast to the prison sentence he could have faced alongside his lover, Maleko. Haunted by the ghost of his lover’s absence and his own guilt, Luka grapples with newfound tenderness coming from the least expected person.

A year of servitude, a court-mandated reprieve from prison, all thanks to his influential father’s deal. Sadly, Luka’s immediate future includes scrubbing the decks and hauling suitcases, a stark contrast to the prison sentence he could have faced alongside his lover, Maleko. Haunted by the ghost of his lover’s absence and his own guilt, Luka grapples with newfound tenderness coming from the least expected person.

Captain Westly John Clarke, an experienced maritime hardliner, enforces the court's contract with grim adherence. Beneath the surface, something shifts. Luka's boyish charm chips away at the older man's icy exterior. Still, he keeps Luka at arm's length, unable to forget the bitter memories of the young man's past. As the Captain battles his own awakening heart and hidden secrets, his compass spins out of control, adding to the chaos. 

As the love story etches in the shadow of a criminal past and the unforgiving grip of duty leaves them both adrift in uncharted waters. Only time and the churning sea will tell if they admit what's in their hearts. 

Secrets Aboard can be found here!

After Captain Clark showered and dressed for dinner, he opened the adjoining door
to Luka’s room. He turned around from looking through the porthole and grinned. The
boy wore his G-string and nothing else. The court demanded he do surprise visits. No
knocking on the door. No warning. Surprise visits. What a cute ass.

“I hope you don’t plan on going to dinner dressed in your G-string,” Captain Clark

“I would if I was allowed to. I heard passengers have walked around naked and it
was okay,” Luka said.

“I suppose you heard that from Charlie. He’s trouble.”

“I never said I heard that from Charlie.”

“No, you didn’t, but he’s the only one you’ve talked to on this ship besides me.”

“Do I have to wear my uniform?”

“Yes, they’re in your closet. Make sure you wear your lanyard with your uniform.
There are several uniforms which consist of navy slacks and blue short-sleeve shirts,
navy vest, and a matching tie. The laundry room is at the end of the hall. You’re
responsible for keeping your uniforms clean and ironed. All the machines and use of the
irons are free.”

Luka checked his closet for his uniforms and his lanyard. He didn’t seem impressed
with what he saw or even thank him for getting them for him instead of him standing in
line and picking them up at the Crew Store. He might not know all the ins and outs of
things on the ship. But still no thank you. Ungrateful rich boy.

“Why did you offer to supervise me?”

“Your father asked me, that’s why.”

“Do you owe him a favor?”

“No. Your father wants to steer you in a better direction. He convinced me you were
worth saving.”

Welcome to Pride Cruise 2024!
Where the water is crisp, the men are HOT, and the party has started! Each book is a standalone but feel free and dive in and binge them all. You won't want to miss a second of their naughty antics. If you think they're silly when the sun is up, just wait until it goes down.

The pride cruise collection can be found here!

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