Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sinfully Delicious Saturday: Seduce me with Song.


Last year, days after Rocktoberfest, the band Damaged Saints were onstage when a pyro accident burned their drummer and seriously injured their singer when he was hit with flying bits of burning shrapnel resulting in damage to his voice that has left him unable to continue on as the band’s singer.

He's their new manager though, and thanks to a friend from another band, they’ve got a lead on a new singer. Jagger is smokin’ hot, charismatic as hell, and so far as they’ve been able to tell, has very little in the way of inhibitions, which makes him the perfect fit for their rather snarky, salacious crew. There is just one problem: Jagger has only ever sung with cover bands and never on a large scale or even at a venue larger than a small-town waterfront festival. He’s used to having less than four feet to move around in, which doesn’t translate well when you’ve got a whole big stage to fill. With less than a month to see if he’s got some hidden moves they can draw out of him, they’re looking to use any means at their disposal and maybe even discover if Jagger is the perfect fit for them off the stage too.

Damaged Saints is a book in the multi-author Road to Rocktoberfest 2023 series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but why not read them all and see who hits the stage next? Hot rockstars and the men who love them, what more could you ask for? Kick back, load up your Kindle, and enjoy the men of Rocktoberfest!

“I was doing it again, wasn’t I?” Jagger said. “Mimicking Draven.”

“Yeah, but not every time so it’s all good. The more we practice the less it’ll happen. What I’m suggesting we do now is more about getting you out of your head so you’ll stop thinking about everything so hard and start interacting with everyone. Just to make something clear here in case it wasn’t crystal to you last night, but the auditioning part is over. You’ve got the gig. From here on out it’s about us getting ready to hit the road.”

Robbie paused for a moment, searching Jagger’s face, waiting to be certain the words had sunk in before he continued. At least Jagger wasn’t abusing his lip anymore, though the teasing smirk he’d had in the kitchen was still gone. He had Jagger’s full attention though, the man steadily meeting his gaze without hesitation.

“For this part of the session, we’re going to take the mic out of the stand and put it behind you so it’s not in your way and you’re not tempted to look at it.” Robbie explained, as he did just that, handing Jagger the mic and watching as he seemed uncertain of what to do with the cord and started wrapping part of the length around his wrist.

“Yeah, you don’t wanna do that, either,” Robbie said as he unwound it. “Let’s just get rid of this whole setup and go with the cordless.”

By the time he’d swapped them out, Kayden had finished adjusting the lights and Mickey was turned back around to face him, a clear sign he had the tracks ready.

Robbie handed over the new mic and stood several feet in front of Jagger. “Now, you’re gonna sing, and you’re gonna seduce me while you’re doing it.”

“Ohh, this oughta be fun,” Kayden said as he plugged his guitar back in.

“Pretend we’re in a club or wherever you usually hang out to pick up people,” Robbie said. “You want my attention, but you’re not just gonna walk up and ask for it, so you’ve got to use your body to get my eyes on you and I promise, I’m not gonna make it easy.”

“Damn, I didn’t peg you for the hard-to-get type,” Jagger shot back, a hint of that teasing grin returning.

Good, that was exactly what Robbie wanted. If Jagger could learn to flirt with the crowd, he’d have them eating out of his palm, of that there was no doubt.

“In this instance, the circumstances call for it,” Robbie remarked. “It’s up to you to erase that and figure out just how easy I can be.”

As soon as the words left his lips, Kayden started snickering, while Mickey just rolled his eyes in disbelief.

“Want me to start this thing now or what?” Mickey asked.

“Hit it.”

While the drum track did his job for him, Robbie half-turned away from Jagger, still able to see him, while keeping his own face in the shadows where Jagger wouldn’t easily be able to read his expressions. Kayden joined in, as did Mickey once he’d resumed his spot, while Jagger waited for his cue before he started singing.

The last thing he’d ever have expected was to see Jagger slinking like a jungle cat, his movements long and languid, clearly designed to entice, which meant he could dance and he wasn’t self-conscious about using his body to tease or attract attention. Hell, if this had been an actual club, Robbie would have enjoyed seeing how they moved together, but for this to work, there could be no instant gratification. Jagger was going to have to be persistent through more than just a song or two.

When he moved close, Robbie moved away, or turned, like he was having a conversation with someone else and wasn’t interested. The longer it went on, the more he noticed a slight change in Jagger’s delivery, a hint of attitude creeping in along with a tiny dose of impatience which only served to enhance the mood of the song.





As Jagger moved from song to song he started using the words like a dialogue, making it damned difficult for Robbie to continue ignoring him. He had to though. He needed to see what else seeped out the longer they continued to play this little game, ‘cause damn, Jagger’s voice was growing stronger in ways they’d only seem glimmers of earlier in the day. It was like last night when he’d sung Curses from the Edge and all of his walls had been stripped away. This was why Johnny had sent him to them, not for his ability to mimic, which he’d readily assumed. Jagger tore open his soul when he stopped thinking and gave himself over to a song, and that was the kind of singer they’d need to win back over their fans and the record company.

Somewhere in the middle of the second song, Jagger let out a growl at the end of a line that went straight to Robbie’s cock. He felt it thickening in his pants, but what he saw when he turned towards him was that Jagger was the one who was moving away, towards Kayden, like he knew the other man was an easier target.

There was a brief moment of hesitation, like Jagger wasn’t quite sure how not to get in the way of the guitar, so he moved to the side of him and Kayden turned, using body language to get Jagger to lean against him, shoulders pressed together for a little while, then Jagger slid an arm around him and leaned against his side, gazing up at Kayden like he was singing the song just for him.

Kayden flashed him a wicked smile and pressed their heads together, his playing never faltering as he was used to interacting this way. Then Jagger’s eyes sought out Robbie’s and he shot him a knowing smirk, ‘cause he had Robbie’s attention now, having won the game, so to speak, simply by turning the tables on Robbie and introducing a little competition into the game.  

They shared the mic to sing the next verse, faces pressed so close all one of them had to do was turn their heads a little and…

Yup. There it was.

Like they’d read his mind, they both turned, sharing a filthy kiss after the bridge as Kayden kept on playing. Was hot as hell to watch and even hotter to see them break apart still wearing heated looks of desire. Jagger tipped that mic up and started flicking his tongue at it while Kayden played a guitar solo, the pair breaking into a dance that was half seduction as they moved away from one another, until Jagger backed into an amp and feel backwards over top of it. The thud of him hitting the ground and the ooofff of air leaving his lungs echoed through the mic, but Jagger had clearly had falls happen before because he kept right on singing, finishing the song on the floor.

Special Offer Below

Get all three of My Road to Rocktoberfest books in a special bundle available on Payhip!

Rockstar Romance fans I have another special bundle for you, only available through my Payhip store. Three of my Rockstar Romance Books all in this special Collection.

 Halfway to Someday

Rocker Jesse Winters just wants to be left alone. If he could melt into oblivion, he would bid farewell to the wild child of rock n’ roll so many have dubbed him in recent months. Truth is, there was never anything reckless, wild, or even deliberate about most of the things that had happened on Wild Child’s last tour, but had anyone cared to listen? No! Which was precisely why he was sitting in a cabin high up in the Colorado mountains, hoping the incoming blizzard would bury him forever.

Ryker Jorgensen left the VA hospital with a bunch of prescriptions and pamphlets on how to deal with reentering the civilian world, not that he’s in any hurry to do so. His nightmares still keep him up at night, and every new limitation he discovers gives him more reason to believe that he’s hopelessly useless now. Better to drive up to his cousin’s cabin and lick his wounds. Come spring, maybe, he’d look into being around people, if only for long enough to make the kind of money he’d need to buy his own secluded place.

The last thing he ever expected to see was the man whose face had been plastered in his footlocker and his dreams for the better part of the past six years, but Jesse Winters is nothing like he imagined. When trying to leave Ryker out in the storm doesn’t work, Jesse resorts to ignoring him. But two wounded souls trapped in a snowed-in cabin have little choice but to reach out for one another when emotions get frayed. His only hope is that Jesse will trust him enough to let him drag him back from the edge before he’s just another burned-out star in the legacy that is rock n’ roll.

Warnings: Flashbacks of domestic abuse, combat situations, suicide ideations, self-harm, PTSD, Stalker Ex, injury, and attempted kidnapping.

Bleeding Dawn

Identical in appearance, twins Winter and Tripp are as different as night and day when it comes to everything but the music they’ve spent the bulk of their lifetimes composing. Now they’ve attained the fame they always hoped for, and it’s as empty and meaningless as the remains of route 66, and about as broken too. Would help if Winter could see it. Tripp’s sure he’ll lose his shit completely the next time some random groupie leaps on the hood of his car and begs to take a selfie, but to Winter, every night is a party, he lives for the crazy hookups, lives for the crazy, period.

Another place they differ.

Tripp would kill for one season to slow down. Just three months where he and Zakk could melt into obscurity and be whomever they wanted, together. Only Zakk’s band, Tattered Angel, is on fire too and it’s starting to seem like the music he’s always loved is hell-bent on keeping him from exploring love of a different kind. Last year’s Rocktoberfest was an amazing triumph, this year, it’s starting to feel like the road to the desert is burning him alive.

Would be so easy to slip off across the sand, melt into a dune on the back of some strange, psychedelic serpent, never to be heard from again. If only there was a way to ensure Zakk took that last ride with him.

Bleeding Dawn is part of the multi-author The Road to Rocktoberfest 2022 series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but why not read them all and see who hits the stage next? Hot rockstars and the men who love them, what more could you ask for? Kick back, load up your kindle, and enjoy the men of Rocktoberfest!

Warning: Illness, drug/alcohol use, accident/vehicle crash, and the general behavior rockers get up to.

Desolation Angel

Dare gets lost in music only he can hear. Since childhood, it would roll through his mind, soft at first, then loud, drowning out everything until the rest of the world melted away. When he comes back to himself he has notes and lyrics, the base of the songs his band plays all over the city. But some days he finds himself wondering what good it is talent, when the rest of his life is such a mess. His music is his passion but it interferes with simple things, like learning to drive or cooking a meal without catastrophe.

All Sionn has ever wanted was Dare’s attention, his full attention, and that won’t happen as long as he continues having his ‘musical dreams’ so the stubborn keyboard player is determined to keep his attraction a secret. Too bad it’s impossible to keep anything secret when you live with your three best friends. When Sionn’s temper reaches a breaking point following another near disaster in the kitchen, he sets Dare on a question to ‘fix’ himself in the hopes of gaining the love of the man he adores.

But fate has a funny way of twisting things up and ‘normal’ is just a state of mind, isn’t it? While Dare struggles to change everything he believes is wrong with himself, secrets are revealed, loyalties and relationships are tested, and the band is offered the chance of a lifetime. Can they pull themselves together fast enough to take advantage of it, or will Dare’s quest to be ‘normal’ unravel all of their lives?

Warning: Past accident/injury, stalker, violence

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