Friday, May 3, 2024

Friday Fireworks: When unexpected guests appear, the truth is finally brought to light.


Today's Snippet Comes from A Murder for Crow My MMA themed MMMM, later in life romance story. 

Retiring from the sport he loved had never been part of Crow’s five-year plan. Unfortunately, the head injuries he’s amassed over years of Mixed Martial arts fighting have left him little choice but to throw in the towel and begin a new, shaky road toward…what? He’s got no clue, that’s for sure. In fact, the only thing he’s certain of is that living a few short blocks from the gym is not the way to put the sport behind him, not when he still hasn’t told any of his friends or training partners exactly why it is he suddenly decided to hang up his gloves.

Moving is the only option that comes to mind, and what better place to retreat to than the beauty of the Vermont wilderness he loved visiting in his younger days? After all, he still has family there, and it’s far removed from the sport he’s struggling to walk away from.

Speaking of walking away. Ever since he found proof of his late husband’s infidelity, Jaylon’s been wishing the man had abandoned him long before his illness stole his life. At least then he wouldn’t be torn between fury and mourning, wondering what he’d done to drive away the man he’d loved. He’s way too old to be starting over, or at least, that’s what he tells himself before Crowley “Crow” Davies pulls up to the cabin Jaylon was renting out, a beautiful hitchhiker in tow.

Now he’s got one eye on Crow and one on Owen, a budding new dynamic forming between them, but will it all come crashing down when Crow’s best friend, Jesse, shows up, looking to reconnect? A former fighter who left the sport two years before, he’s been friends with benefits with Crowley since before either stepped foot in a cage to fight. The chemistry between the sheets is smokin’ hot, but there’s always been something missing, something the two never could put their fingers on.

Can the inclusion of Owen and Jaylon provide the pieces they’ve always needed or will someone find themselves left out in the cold?

Warning: Accident/injury, in-fight injury described, medical condition, mild violence (one scene and not between the MCs)

A Murder for Crow can be purchased on Amazon HERE!

Jaylon moved so the blond could help Nick up, intending to be the last one through the door so he and Crowley could have a word.

No, he didn’t!

Slamming his hand against the door, he couldn’t believe that the bastard had tried to slam it in his face.

“This has nothing to do with you,” Crowley said.

“Too bad, because I am making it my business, now open the fucking door!”

No ands, iffs, or ors, no ultimatums, Crowley could either open the door, or this would be the last conversation he and Jaylon ever had, except to say peace out when Crowley returned the keys at the end of his lease.

Crowley shook his head, but he dropped his hand and stepped out of the way, allowing Jaylon to go past him into the living room, where the mountain and the blond were both standing, while Nick got situated in the easy chair.

“I believe a round of introductions is in order,” Nick began, holding up his finger when the mountain looked like he was about to go off. Big man’s eyes narrowed, chest poofing out like he was about to start some shit, then he exhaled, shoulders slumping like all the fight had just been kicked out of him.

Crowley’s defiant glare swept around the room while he stubbornly refused to say a word.

“Ok-ay, I guess I’m getting things started,” Jaylon said, locking eyes with him. “I’m Jaylon, I own the property and up until ten days ago, I thought I was dating this man but apparently, it isn’t okay to be worried when someone with no lantern doesn’t come in off the lake before dark!”

“Was a fuckin’ accident!” Crowley snapped.

“Like leaving your god damned phone in your room! Like not answering the fuckin’ phone all week, which was a dick thing to do let me tell you,” Jaylon hissed.

“Amen to that!” both the blond and the mountain chimed in.

“Hello, I’m Jesse, founding member and former spokesperson for the Ghosted by Crow foundation,” the blond announced. “Allow me to be the first to extend my condolences on your induction into the club.”

“Hi, Jesse,” Nick and the mountain replied, waving with those fake ass smiles you saw on group meeting brochures, all those messed up people looking for other messed up people, so they could be completely fucked up together, instead of toughing it out alone in a place where messy was par for the course. Problem was most people couldn’t see past their own shit to realize that everyone in the world was drowning one way or another. They could all relate if you gave them half a chance.  

“I know you’re Nick,” Jaylon said reaching out and shaking the fighter’s hand, “I saw the fight. Wishing you a speedy recovery.”

“From your lips to God’s ears, though realistically, I’m going to be hobbling around for a while,” Nick replied, his grip as firm as Jaylon had expected.

“And I’m Morgan. Up until a couple months ago, I thought me and this dick were family, but I guess breaking bread with someone for over twenty years doesn’t amount to anything.”

“I don’t know what you want from me, any of you!” Crowley replied, turning his focus on Nick for a moment, before narrowing his eyes at Jesse. “I cannot believe you two dragged Nick halfway across the country when he should be somewhere with that leg elevated like it’s supposed to be. What the hell were you thinking!”

“Wow,” Jaylon remarked dryly, clipped words making his throat feel tight. “Sounds just like what Owen and I were saying to you the last week, only you blew up and told us to keep our concerns to ourselves. Glad I’m here to see hypocrisy at its finest.”

“We don’t want a god damned thing from you except some decency and fucking respect,” Morgan snarled. “As for dragging Nick anywhere, you’ve got to be outside of your god damned mind if you think we had a hand in organizing this. If anything, he dragged us, considering the way you left things the last time you and me had a conversation. Personally, I would have waited until your dumbass landed in the ER somewhere with one of our names as your emergency contact.”

From the look on Crowley’s face, Jaylon could tell it was something he’d never considered.

“About what I figured,” Morgan replied, clearly reading it too. “Since we all know Crowley, then there is no need for him to introduce himself, so how about showing some hospitality and offering around a few drinks before we talk about why we’re here.”

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