Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Twisted Tuesday: Truth and Lies in a small town


My name is Haven. 

I'm a brother and I was a son, until an accident took our parents. 

Our older sister finished raising us and did the best she could. 

Our older brother didn't make that easy...but I might have made it worse. 

Sometimes I wonder if coming home to run was a good idea, but how could I say no when my siblings had pooled their money to set up an amazing family business. 

One part dispensary. 

One part gas station.

One part repair shop.

That's where I come in. 

I've always been the mechanic in the family, able to fix everything from motorcycles to derby cars. Hell, I used to build and race them. 

I agreed to come home and run that part on one condition: They deal with the customers. I'll just hide behind the rolling steal doors and pretend nothing exists on the other side of it. 

Especially not the small town I grew up in. 

Foggy Basin 

Where the diner is always full. 

The lawns are always mowed. 

And July 4th is a three-day celebration. 

I always loved classic car show, the parade, the rodeo and of course, the demolition derby, only this year I think I'll stay home, rather than venture down to the fairgrounds for the festivities. 

Because the people here have long memories. 

Some don't even wait until my back is turned to start whispering about me. 

Some truth. 

Some distorted. 

And some so twisted I'd laugh if I didn't know they truly believed it. 

Once, I tried to be my brother's keeper...but in the end I just got burned. 

Welcome to Foggy Basin. Just passing through? No problem. Here to stay, well, better find your place. Sit back, relax and get to know the townsfolk. They love hard and play even harder. Each book is a standalone but why not stay and get to know us and read them all.

The Foggy Basin collection can be preordered here!

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