Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Musical Monday: Get those engines revving....the Road to Rocktoberfest is a wild and treacherous one


Once I had friends.

I had a band. 

I made a living off my voice. 

Growly and powerful

Able to hit the high notes until goosebumps were running up your arms.

Pain filled and emotional

Able to bring you tears with every ballad. 

Then I fucked up. 

What was supposed to be a prank became a nightmare I can't escape from. 

In one reckless moment I threw everything away...only I didn't do it alone. 

I was just the only one of the two of us honest enough...or stupid enough to admit to it. 

My name is Evander Morrison. 

But the world knew me as Vander. 

I was a rockstar. 

A rebel. 

A wet dream. 

Now I'm just another ex-con. 

Taking the fall for a shared mistake ended his once promising career, now he's a roadie traveling with one of the few people who knows who he used to be. It's a secret he clings to even when an unexpected second chance to take the stage presents itself. If jail taught him anything, it was how to keep his head down and stay off everyone's radar. When the truth is unexpectedly revealed, his first instinct is to run as fast and far from that tour bus as he can get. Unfortunately, the past has a way of finding even those determined to cling to the shadows, if only to prove that a broken chorus can still be made whole again.

Broken Chorus is available for Pre-order now. 
 Broken Chorus 

Pre-order your Road to Rocktoberfest books here!

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