Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wicked Wed Release! With exclusive Excerpt! From the 2024 Pride Cruise Collection, Seafoam and Saltwater Taffy


Is five months into a relationship too soon to take his boy and his pup on a kink cruise to the Caribbean?


Only Duncan couldn’t resist proposing it to them and letting them decide. The pair have been together for almost a decade and friends for even longer. The bond between them is strong and unshakeable and yet they’ve always longed for a Daddy to come along and love them as fiercely as they love one another. As far as Duncan is concerned, that is the very definition of what he has to offer them.

Ember: lively, little, and completely non-verbal, he was born without the ability to speak, but that doesn’t mean he holds back when he’s passionate about something. Using sign language and a text to speech device, he helps ease the fears of those who visit the reptile and amphibian sanctuary he works at and educate them on the misunderstood animals.

Rusty: fierce yet vulnerable, trapped in a job he hates, he wars with himself about the things he wants versus expectations. He longs to spend his days creating the things he envisions, not doors and window frames, but with no clear path towards making that happen, he’s been spinning his wheels in a place that’s sent his mental health spiraling.

The cruise seems the perfect way to spend his hard-earned vacation days, and if he should happen to find some of the answers he’s been searching for on the high seas with his Daddy and their boy, then that’s the shimmer on the lollipop.

The big, purple, phallic shaped lollipop they intend to use to enhance their fun.

Seafoam and Saltwater can be found here!

Welcome to Pride Cruise 2024!

Where the water is crisp, the men are HOT, and the party has started! Each book is a standalone but feel free and dive in and binge them all. You won't want to miss a second of their naughty antics. If you think they're silly when the sun is up, just wait until it goes down.

Exclusive Snippet Below!

“When we were little, we used to hide in our treehouse when it stormed so we’d be closer to the sky when it lit up,” Ember signed. “Mama would be so upset with us when we got home. I don’t know how she always knew what we were up to, but she was forever lecturing us about how our tree was going to get struck by lightning one day and we’d be in for one hell of a shock. We kept trying to tell her that we didn’t have any metal up there, but all she ever said was that wasn’t the point. She even threatened to have it dismantled if we didn’t knock it off.”

“Did you?” Daddy asked.

Little Ember squirmed, ‘cause Daddy was giving them that raised eyebrow look that usually meant he already knew the answer to the question and was just waiting to see if Ember would tell the truth.

“Sort of,” Ember signed with a shrug.

“Uh-huh, what happened?”

“The tree kinda got struck by lightning and split in half,” Ember admitted, feeling his cheeks heat up as he turned away and carefully fed Rusty a bite, making sure not to drip anything on his gear.

He left out the part about him and Rusty being on the way to climb into it when it happened and seeing the strike from a close enough distance that the light had blinded them for several seconds before they’d whirled around and sprinted for home.

“You’re lucky you didn’t get yourselves killed.” Daddy scolded, but his tone was mild, and the look he gave Ember was a fond one that let him know Daddy wasn’t really upset with them. “Of course, I can’t say that I was any better about personal safety in my youth. You know how they talk about kids today imitating the things they see in video games and movies, well for me, it was the things I read about in books. Huck Finn building a barge and trying to sail down the river on it, well, let’s just say I will always be grateful that the Little Blackwater River is no giant like the Mississippi because I nearly drowned when my raft fell apart beneath me.”

“Who saved you?”

“My sister, the only one both brave and foolish enough to be out there on the raft with me,” Daddy explained. “Even when she told me a couple dozen times while we were building it what a horrible idea it was, she still got on and tried to help me make the crossing.”

“She sounds cool.”

“Oh, she is, and I think you and her will get along wonderfully when you meet. She’s a paleontologist and travels all over the country on digs.”

“Seriously! A real-life dinosaur hunter!”


“She knows all about ancient lizards and how they evolved into some of the species that exist today,” Daddy explained. “In fact, something tells me that once I’ve introduced you two, you’ll forget all about Daddy, at least for a little while.”

“I’ll never forget about Daddy, even with dinosaurs involved.”

“We’ll see.”

Ember and Daddy fed Rusty in between feeding themselves and made sure he finished his drink and a bottle of water, then they all headed to the bathroom, Daddy insisting on it before they got in the ball pit and suddenly decided that they desperately needed to go. Plus, he needed to remove Rusty’s tail plug and gear, helping him change into something much cooler to wrestle around in the ball pit in. He was so smart that way. Ember loved the way Daddy always thought of the things he and Rusty forgot.

He’d put a quick end to the harsh ways they used to reprimand themselves when they screwed up, instituting a rule that they had to talk about five positive things they’d done for every negative they brought up. It was beginning to make it so that Ember no longer focused on his mistakes when something went wrong, but also on the things he hadn’t messed up, as well as his accomplishments over the course of the day.

Like today.

He had fucked up and forgotten to leave Daddy a note this morning when he’d run out to get a smoothie. He’d been so focused on sitting in a deck chair, admiring the sunrise while drawing the idea he’d dreamed up, that scrawling a message had completely slipped his mind. The importance of communication had been replaced with thoughts of slurping on his newest favorite flavor, pineapple creamsicle, while he sketched his ideas out. His oversight had led Daddy on a bit of an early morning hunt.

Duncan had been relieved to locate him, stern in admonishing him, and pleased that he’d felt comfortable enough to enjoy a morning on deck alone. Not only had he left Ember to finish enjoying his art time, but he hadn’t brought it up again after correcting him.

You can’t move forward if you’re always looking back.

That was one of Daddy’s sayings and Ember loved it.

Right now, though, he was looking forward to the ball pit and holy shit!

Black lighting!

Neon balls!

The whole place was lit up like the goth club back home.

Everything glowing, even the posters on the ceiling of the room.

There were even black light paint sticks, which Ember made grabby hands for the moment he spotted them. Daddy had to snag hold of the waistband of his pants to keep him from getting ahold of them while Rusty was attempting to lunge for the bin of neon pet toys.

“Alright boys, hold on a moment,” Daddy said as he wrapped an arm around Ember’s waist and half lifted him off the floor. “Let’s let Rusty pick a toy, then Ember, you can pick a couple colors to decorate yourself and Rusty with if he’d like, okay?”

“Arf, arf!” Rusty barked happily, while Ember kicked his feet a little, unable to get any traction, so he finally signed Yes, Daddy, and settled down, going where Daddy directed them.

Daddy let him choose three colors just for being so good. Rusty sat down in front of him and put a hand on his shoulder, leaning in and licking Ember’s face before nudging the neon purple stick.

Smiling, Ember drew his whiskers and nose back on for him, since he’d lost them when they’d removed his gear. Then he drew the big old spot around Rusty’s eye that had been on his sheepdog headpiece, coloring it in with neon pink. He gave himself a matching spot too, then decided to go ahead and add purple whiskers and a pink nose, which he twitched at Rusty and Daddy when he finished. Daddy took a picture, one of so many he’d promised to turn into a slideshow for them when they got home. Ember couldn’t wait to see it play out once it was finished. Something told him that their vacation highlight reel was going to be his new favorite movie.

“Alright, I think two colorful little imps are more than ready for the ball pit,” Daddy said with his hand held out. “Time to hand them over.”

Ember put the lids back on and did as Daddy said, then Duncan stepped aside and swept his arm out, indicating that they could go ahead.

Cannonball into the ball pit? Check!

Neon balls flying everywhere? Double check!

Metallica’s Enter Sandman blaring as neon strobe lights began to flash?

Yup yup!

Best. Ball pit. Ever!

Pride Cruise Collection can be found here!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Twisted Tuesday: Broken Prince, Mismatched Eyes: an arranged marriage romance book


It all started with a writing prompt someone posted on a website where I used to post my stories chapter by chapter. It's been about a decade now. I don't remember the exact wording of the prompt anymore, though it might be on a thumb drive or even a CD somewhere. The gist of it was that a character had been promised in an arranged marriage since infancy, but never been told until the start of the story, when they are informed that the person they have been promised to has arrived and the wedding will take place in an hour. 

What was born was Broken Prince, Mismatched Eyes, which wound up being my second published novel. Originally released by Wayward Ink, and later Encompass Ink, you can now find it several places. 

Here on Amazon

In My Payhip Store

And Here on Barnes and Noble

All of his life, Caden DeMott’s mismatched eyes have made him the target of superstition and scorn. Though he is the son of a nobleman, he’s been allowed to run free over the hills and moors, mostly ignored by his family. No one ever thought to inform him that he had been betrothed since infancy, until the day his fiancé, Prince Rhys Gwyther arrived to marry him.

Rhys is the prince of the small island country of Mauritania, a land rich in gems, rose oil, and pearls, but poor in skilled artisans and seeds to grow crops. In order to further cement the trade route to the mainland, he’s been sent to marry a man he’s never met and bring him back to Mauritania. Unfortunately, an accident years before has left Rhys with a lot of emotional baggage and very little trust in strangers.

But trust is exactly what Caden and Rhys are going to need if they are to make a life together and help unravel the mystery of who’s been smuggling valuable gems and pearls off the island. Add in the realization that Caden’s stepmother, Mildred and her island representative, Maxwell, have been importing inferior goods for years, forcing Mauritania to become more dependent on them, and trust becomes even more difficult.

Caden possesses the knowledge to finally allow Rhys’ father to unravel the plot to ruin Mauritania, but only if the king and his son are willing to put their faith in Caden’s loyalty to his new home. Something that is difficult to do after Caden is accused of cheating on his marriage vows to Rhys with his guard, Luc. Will Rhys believe him innocent? Or will their marriage be over before it truly has a chance to begin?

The king reached out, clasping Caden’s forearms, a warrior’s greeting. “Welcome to Mauritania.”

Caden clasped his hand in returned and bowed. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“No, none of that here,” the king waved dismissively, his smile never leaving his eyes. “We’re family, and I’ve never been one for standing on ceremony. I expect you to call me Kendric.”

“Yes, sir,” Caden said, a little flustered.

Kendric raised an eyebrow at him, his lip quivering with unshared laughter.

“I... I mean yes, Kendric, as you wish.”

Kendric smiled. “That’s much better.”

Caden couldn’t help but smile in return as the two hounds sat beside him, heads held regally as their tails lightly thumped the ground.

“And who are these magnificent creatures?” Kendric asked as he reached a hand out for one of the hounds to sniff.

“That one is Titus,” Caden said, “and the other is Brutes.”

Titus looked up at Caden, as if to ask permission. When Caden gave a nod, the hound sniffed the offered fingers and soon licked the king’s hand. Kendric seemed to need no other invitation to pet the hound’s head and rub his ears, while Titus basked in the attention.


Rhys turned, his mother by his side, to take in the sight.

“Why, he’s positively beautiful, and what delightful dogs. You must be very pleased,” the queen said to her son, her arm linked with his.

Rhys turned to her and gave a halfhearted smile. “He’s stubborn as hell.”

The queen threw her head back and laughed. Caden and Kendric looked to see what she’d found so amusing.

“Caden, come here,” the queen invited, holding out her other hand.

Caden went to her and took her hand gently, bowing over it.

“Oh, pish posh,” she said, pulling her hand from Rhys’ arm so she could reach up and hug Caden. “I’m no more interested in formalities than my husband is. I am Anwen, unless the foreign wind bags are visiting, and then we’ll all be ‘Lord-ing’ and ‘Your Majesty-ing’ each other half to death.”

Caden tried to choke back a laugh and failed, his eyes lighting up with joy and merriment.

Anwen smiled, her own eyes alight with glee. “I’m glad to see you share a love for laughter, Caden, because I do so love to laugh.”

Even Rhys was grinning, though he had eyes only for Caden.

“Now, Caden, Rhys tells me you’re stubborn as hell. Well, I have just one thing to say to that....” Anwen began, then paused dramatically. “Good. It’s about time he learned there are those who can be even more stubborn than him.”

Caden smiled even brighter at that, while Rhys’ smile faded to a frown. He huffed, crossing his arms until Anwen reached up and pulled them loose.

“Oh, don’t be like that, not today. Today I get to watch you get married, and I think it is going to suit you wonderfully.”

“Yes, Mother.” Rhys sighed.


Monday, June 24, 2024

Musical Monday: And the parade of Poly continues (A sneak peak and a revelation about an old story)


I swear, when I started making notes on this story I thought it was going to be a pairing, but the truth is, my characters don't like limiting themselves and why should they. There is still a book that I regret not going in the direction the characters wanted, because then my debut novel, Guitars and Cages, would have been poly too. 


The pairing my characters wanted was Connor, Asher and Gage, and I sobbed when I made the decision to let the Gage character pass away in the book, then sobbed more with how much potential there was for that thruple, especially once Asher and Connor made the choice to move to Nebraska, which would have put them on the ranch next door to Gage's. 

It's a mistake that, as an author, I've never allowed myself to make again. I tried to control the narrative. I tried to tell my characters what would be acceptable to the reader, despite how much I wanted to tell that story as a culmination of new and old love. it was a learning lesson, and I'm sure every one of us has a story to tell like that. Some regret we have that we can't take back because the story has been unleashed into the world. 

Of course, people release special editions all the time, add chapters, correct things, fill in gaps and loopholes, but me being me had to go do the one thing that I can't undo without a zombie apocalypse being involved. 

I merched a character. 

The only character out of all of those who were killed off the years who truly, genuinely, did not deserve it. The accident should have been to bring Asher home and bring them back together again, with Asher refusing to let go of Connor either and Conner right there with him every step of Gage's recovery. 

An opportunity lost...but not one I will ever let happen again, so when Logan started pacing in the back of my head, explaining the dynamic to Broken Chorus and how he saw everything going, I welcomed his input with open arms. This rocktoberfest, I will be presenting a redemption arc, and not just for one character either. This is a story about truth, lies, and the strength of friendship. Sex, Love, Fireflies, and Rock n' Roll, that's what Broken Chorus has in store for you, and if there should be a sticky sweet dollop of feels dripping down the edges, just know it was heaped there with love. 

I promised there would be all kinds of reveals on the blog once we got things rolling back in the direction of daily posts. I'm pleased to be able to say that we are there now and I can't wait to see what else pops up in topics of conversation, which I welcome, please, feel free to comment if you'd ever like to know more about a book, or a snippet of something that, please drop me a line, I'll be happy to address it and even make a whole post about it. 

Broken Chorus

Can be preordered here!

“Are you still sure you want to do this?”

Groaning, Logan buried his face in his pillow and tried to ignore the big man stroking a hand up and down his back, his massive hand pausing to cup his ass and give it a squeeze every now and again.

“Once the rigg is parked in front of that fence it’s going to be impossible to go unnoticed.”

“How many times do we need to go over this?” Logan grumbled as he punched the pillow and tried to mold it to cradle his head.

It was past time to replace the worn-out thing with something massively fluffy and made of memory foam, only he was notoriously forgetful when it came to remembering to pick up comfort items. Maybe because he wasn’t finished punishing himself for his past, which was what Cordell thought he was doing by hiring Vander to be a roadie for this tour.

“As many as it takes to get you to turn around and give up on this bit of insanity.”

“It isn’t insanity, Cor, it’s the right thing to do,” Logan said as he tried to wiggle out from beneath the weight of Cordell’s arm resting across his hips.


No escape for him.

The man barely moved now that he had Logan pinned where he couldn’t walk away from the conversation, which sucked, because the longer he was awake, the more he needed to piss and spark up a joint for a little wake ‘n bake.

Was going to be a stressful enough morning without Cordell heaping his misgivings all over it, along with occasional twinges of jealousy whenever Logan mentioned the nature of the relationship he and Vander had shared before he’d been locked up.

Time and distance had changed it, but not the friendship that had been there since they were kids and Vander had declared Logan his big brother, despite a lack of blood relationship or marriage to tie them together.

“The guy you knew isn’t the guy who is going to come walking through those prison gates, you do know that, right?”

“How could I forget when you’ve insisted on reminding me since the moment I told you his release date and that I wanted to be the one to greet him when he got out.”

“I might have been good with that if it wasn’t for the whole bit about hiring him and bringing him on the road with us,” Cordell insisted. “What happens when the dirt sheets get wind of it? Hell, you don’t know that they haven’t already. They could have someone there already camped out and waiting to interview him upon his release and then what, we pull up into a shitstorm and a story that could wreck this tour before it’s even gotten underway. Do you really want to do that to your fans…or the rest of your bandmates?”

“The only way the dirt rags find out what’s going on is if one you fuckers tells them,” Logan said. “And if that happens than the conversation we need to have next is going to be a lot more serious than the one we had about me hiring my oldest friend to work for the band.”

"Would have been a lot easier to accept if it had gone to a vote and not just been you making a unilateral decision.”

“That I would not have needed to make if I’d thought you guys would give him a fair shake and not base your opinions on what you’d read,” Logan said. “It paints a very one-sided picture.”

“Or a truth you were too blind to see because you were too close to him.” Cordell attempted to point out. 

There was a problem with the truth Cordell thought he was the furthest thing from actuality. Logan should know, he'd been right there to see what was behind the damning light Vander had been painted in.

Taking the fall for a shared mistake ended his once promising career, now he's a roadie traveling with one of the few people who knows who he used to be. It's a secret he clings to even when an unexpected second chance to take the stage presents itself. If jail taught him anything, it was how to keep his head down and stay off everyone's radar. When the truth is unexpectedly revealed, his first instinct is to run as fast and far from that tour bus as he can get. Unfortunately, the past has a way of finding even those determined to cling to the shadows, if only to prove that a broken chorus can still be made whole again.

Broken Chorus is part of the multi-author Road to Rocktoberfest 2024 series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but why not read them all and see what antics our bands get into next? Hot rockstars and the men who love them, what more could you ask for. Kick back, load up your kindle and enjoy the men of Rocktoberfest!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Another exclusive look at A Daddy for Summer: Angel


“Oh, my god, wait, wait, wait the whole world is spinning!”

“I swear if you throw up on me…”

“It won’t be near as bad as throwing up on the cat!”

Disoriented, Dion sat up and blinked as the sliver of sunlight prying its way past the edges of the curtains. Had Bella really never heard of blackouts? Holy shit.

A bump.

A bang.

Giggles and an outraged shriek.  

What the fuck?

Curious as hell and in desperate need of a piss, Dion shoved the sheet off his legs and heard a loud murrrrpppph of protest from the feline he’d displaced. Least she wasn’t underfoot when he his feet hit the floor, because it had taken two visits for her to stop peeing in his shoes after he’d stepped on her tail the last time he’d visited. Unfortunately, opening the door meant coming face to face with the realization that he was going to have to hold it a little longer, as a grumbling man with a mop of gloriously curly hair attempted to prop Dion’s sister up against her sink in the one and only bathroom in the place.

“Angel?” Dion asked, having only spoken to him a few times over video chat, but man, there was no mistaking those cheekbones and full, kissable lips when Angel glanced back over his shoulder and shot him a grin.

“Hey Dion, I’m afraid the streak still stands.”

“You drank her under the table again.”


“Damn, Mighty-Mini, one day soon we’re going to have to see if you can do that to me.”

“Loser pays?”


“Then let me apologize in advance for the abuse I’m gonna do to your wallet.”

“Bring it on.”

 A Daddy for Summer: Angel can be preordered here!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Sinfully Delicious Saturday: and a very special offer inside


Devin's Boys

This Weekend Only
.99 cents
Exclusive on my Payhip store

Coming home was supposed to be the end of something, until Mikal barreled into his life….and he wasn't alone.

For Devin McKay, music has been his lover, his drug, and his best friend for as long as he can remember, but there was always something he denied himself while he pursued it. Now that his band has broken up and he's returned to his hometown of Stoney Brook, he's settled into a new, somewhat drunken routine, while he tries to get accustomed to this new phase in his life. The last thing he expected was an old friend to send a troubled young musician his way.

Mikal needs help, or rather, his best friend, Moon, needs help getting over the blinding bouts of stage fright that have been plaguing him for the last year. He'll do anything to get to the root of Moon's issues, even follow along with the unorthodox methods Devin prescribes for them. After all, Devin was a success in the industry, while Mikal and Moon have been struggling to get a foot in the door.

Drawing in a lungful of salt air, Moon stretched his arms to the heavens, sunlight on his face as he stood with his toes in the water. A day by the ocean was the perfect way to take a break from polishing their music. They’d packed a cooler full of drinks and food, the fixings for S’mores, a beach blanket, bubbles, and plenty of sunscreen.

Gull song, a trio of them doing sky aerobics overhead. Moon tipped his head back and stared up at the wispy clouds lazily floating past. Devin and Derrick rushed past him, kicking up sand as they raced into the water. Derrick won, wading in and diving under, coming up several feet away to shake the hair from his face, shimmering droplets flying through the air around him.

“Gods he’s beautiful,” Moon murmured as Mikal looped an arm over his shoulder. “They both are.”

“I know, right, damn.”

Moon nuzzled the side of his neck, breathing in his scent before licking over the skin there.

“We should join them,” Mikal sighed, watching them wrestle one another in the surf, Derrick hoisting Devin up and tossing him a few feet.

He came up, laughing, charging Derrick with a cry for vengeance, only to have Derrick catch him just right to powerbomb him into the surf.

Giggling, Moon leaned into Mikal’s side a little more. “Do we really want to get in the middle of that? We’re liable to get squashed or tossed halfway across the cove.”

Humming, Mikal seemed to be seriously pondering the options, while Devin tried a different approach, swimming around behind Derrick and attempting to yank him under, only Derrick just shifted his weight, lowered his center of gravity, and left Devin no choice but to pop up and admit defeat.

“See now it’s safe,” Moon offered, holding hands with Mikal as they waded in. When Derrick and Devin shared a look, Moon began to rethink that position.

“Uh-oh,” Mikal muttered, trying to put on the brakes. Too late, Derrick grabbed Moon, Devin grabbed Mikal, and they soon found themselves hoisted upon broad shoulders and carried a bit deeper into the surf.

“Chicken fight!” Devin declared. 

Mikal splashed him, water going up his nose, prompting Moon to splash him back. Their partners were getting blinded too as the splashing got wilder, Derrick maneuvering closer, so Moon could try and pull Mikal off Devin’s shoulders. Pushing at each other, shoving, and occasionally yanking one another into kisses, meaning the partners carrying them had the chance to kiss too, they wrestled in the surf, laughing. Moon finally got Mikal off balance and lunged a little, knocking Derrick off-balance too, all of them spilling into the water.

Rolling onto his back, Moon floated, staring up at the sky while he caught his breath. The gulls were back, raining their squawking calls down on them like they’d personally offended them by being louder than they were, or maybe they were scaring the fish.

When he righted himself, Derrick was a few feet away, standing in the surf with water streaming down his chest. Moon’s eyes landed on the necklace he’d repaired for Derrick, a sudden thought taking hold.

Proud as he was to see Derrick wearing it, he wanted to see them on Devin and Mikal too. Unique designs and colors chosen specifically for them. He could picture what it would look like, kissing over Mikal’s shoulder as he held one up to his neck, his best friend’s arms wrapped around him as Moon tied it in place. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday Fireworks: A very special look at the opening of A Daddy for Summer: Angel


Gossip and Wig Boxes


“Alright, honey, check the tags and make sure the wigs match the styles you want ‘cause we are not having a repeat of the pick-a-peppa show,” Angel declared as he did a mental count of the boxes to make certain none had gotten left under a chair or beside a mannequin.

“You just had to go there, didn’t you,” Cha Cha Bella grumbled as she adjusted her everyday wig, “Always with the pick-a-peppa disaster, you are never going to let that go, are you?”

“Oh, I will, if you ever top it, which I hope you won’t,” Angel replied. “And I don’t always mention the pick-a-peppa debacle. Sometimes I mention Karaoke-gate, or the Great Drag Cruise Fiasco.”

Groaning, Bella scrubbed a hand over her face and raised one perfectly arched eyebrow at him. Where most drag performers stripped off their personality at the end of the night, Cha Cha Bella simply drifted from exaggerated and flamboyant, to comfortably unique.

“Is it really necessary to give every disaster a name like they’re fuckin’ hurricanes?”

“If I did that, they’d only have a first name, not a title,” Angel pointed out, “and yes, I really must title them for the sake of my memoirs and any opportunity that arises to share my wildly captivating tales of your misadventures.”

“Wildly embellished is more like it,” Bella said as she crossed the room to check the labels on the wig boxes. “You know, I think I’m going to go with your suggestion about braiding the lime and lavender ombre wig and having you do the cherry-pie beehive with the blond.”

“Thank you!” Angel said, making the adjustment in the notepad app on his phone, “The red streaks and the woven in cherries will really pop against the blond. I was terrified of you going through with the beehive in the lavender and lime, too Bride of Frankenstein.”

When Bella started sputtering, Angel looked up from his notes to see a look that was part outrage, part what the fuck, and part oh my fuckin’ god why didn’t I think of that. Angel just grinned and made a second note, this one about modifications to the classic conical hairstyle and its prominent skunk stripe. For almost a minute, the only sound in the room was Bella putting the lids back on the hat boxes and snaping the latches in place. Angel marked them off the checklist while Bella loaded them on the collapsible utility cart with her makeup cases and hanging wardrobe bags. 

Best find ever, though technically, it had been considered two finds before Billy had gotten ahold of it and welded the collapsable hanging bar to the collapsable cart to give them a mini version of the bellman’s carts that easily fit into the trunk of Bella’s sporty yellow Volkswagen Golf. Angel turned away to take one last look around Bella’s area, aware that they were the last ones left in the backstage area tonight.

First, Bella huffed, then Angel heard the tink, tink, ting of the tips of her nails against the metal. “Okay, fine, you have just given me my theme for the Halloween show.”

“I know, and you’re welcome.”

“How do you always do that?”

“I don’t, we do it together.”

“Meh, that’s bullshit but thank you for saying it. I don’t know where I’d be as a performer if you hadn’t come into my life,” Bella said as she draped an arm over her shoulder.

With her out of her platform shoes and wig, they were damn near the same height, with Angel having a half inch edge as he stared at their reflections in the mirror.

“I believe you’ve got that backward,” Angel pointed out as he turned into her embrace. “You were the one who fell into my life, remember, though it was more like my chair when you came bursting into the shop like your ass was on fire. All these years and you’ve still never told me what your backup plan was if my client had showed up for her appointment.”

“I didn’t have one.”

Angel felt himself poof up a bit as he pulled back to cock his head and shoot her a side-eye. “Oh, so you just figured I wouldn’t be booked in the first place so you could just show up whenever and I’d be able to a work miracle for you.”

“Now to be fair, you did work more than one miracle that day, so keep the story straight and don’t go downplaying the credit you richly deserve. Not only did you take care of my hair and get Corrine over to help with my makeup, but you found me the best pair of thigh high boots I’ve ever owned.”

“Just call me a full-service stylist,” Angel said.

“You were truly my guardian angel that day, but I knew you would be,” Bella admitted. “I’d seen you backstage at Bare Minimums the week before, helping Ajay get ready for his set.”

“Wait, you never told me that.”

“I know.”

 A Daddy for Summer: Angel can be preordered here!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thirst Trap Thursday: A little shower-time fun


Seafoam and Saltwater Taffy goes live on June 26th

Preorder here

“Ohh good, you’ve got him stripped already,” Rusty said as he emerged from the bathroom just as Daddy was unable to hold back his chuckles at the sight of Ember poking his bottom lip out into a more exaggerated pouty face. “Shower time, Ember.”

Now Ember turned his narrow-eyed glare on Rusty and blew a raspberry his way before stomping past him on his way to the bathroom, but not before pausing just behind him to pinch his butt.


Rusty yelped and Ember skipped the rest of the way into the bathroom and climbed beneath the spray as he heard Daddy offer to inspect it to make certain Ember hadn’t done any damage.

“I’ll get you for that you little imp,” Rusty said.

Little imp, huh?

Feeling devious, Ember lathered himself up in sudsy soap, then, still dripping bubbles, even off his cock, he stepped from the shower and back into their bedroom space to do a sudsy imp dance right where they couldn’t miss him.

Of course, Rusty took pictures while Daddy just grinned and shook his head at his antics before finally regaining his composure and putting his stern Daddy face back on.

“Okay imp, you’ve had your fun, go finish getting cleaned up now,” Daddy said, pointing back towards the bathroom where Ember obediently headed, dripping soap bubbles on the floor along the way. He’d just about reached the shower door when an Ack! and a Thud! caught his attention and he looked back over his shoulder to see Rusty seated on the floor just inside the doorway of the bathroom, a sheepish look on his face. Ember knew exactly what had happened then. Rusty had attempted to extract revenge only to slip in the suds trail and fall, literally, just short of his mark. Laughing, Ember closed the shower door and finished washing, then rinsed himself and turned to see Daddy and Rusty staring at him through the glass.



Daddy had his arms crossed.

Rusty was brandishing the purple penis pop.

Ember did the only thing he could think to do and that was turn and wiggle his backside at them, until he heard the door pop open and did not manage to turn back around fast enough to avoid both a smack and a pinch.

Ouchy double ouchy!