Thursday, June 6, 2024

Wicked WIP Wednesday: Love on the high seas


“Let’s get you settled right here, while Rusty and I put everything away,” Duncan said as he carried Ember to the bed that dominated one whole wall of their stateroom. It was so cool, with two big, round windows, a couch and even a desk and flatscreen television. Three chairs with a table between them made up a little dining area right in front of the windows, which had curtains, just like in a hotel.

Floor space was a little limited through, especially with suitcases and unpacking involved, and Ember had woken up feeling more little than big, wanting to be cuddled and held even when it was time to check out and make their way to the dock to board their ship.

Fortunately, Daddy had planned for them to arrive as boarding began, so they wouldn’t be stuck in the crush of things, and because he never cared what anyone thought, Ember had been allowed to wear his frog footie pajamas for the Uber ride and snuggled between him and Rusty.  

Now he just wanted to draw.

Daddy placed him in the center of the bed, along with his backpack, and kissed the top of his head.

“Now you stay put until we’re done,” Daddy instructed. “Then you can both scamper about and explore to your heart’s content. While people are boarding, it will be best to stay in our room, so let me find something on the television for us to listen to while we figure out the best place for everything to go.”

“Can I have cartoons?” Ember signed.

“Of course you can,” Daddy said as he located the remote and soon pulled up the guide. “Hmmm…looks like they have a Family Guy marathon on, that is a cartoon, isn’t it?”

Ember scrunched up his nose, but his thoughts were too soft and cozy to work out how to explain the show to Daddy.

“It’s adult animation,” Rusty explained for him. “He doesn’t like those even when he’s feeling big. He likes his cartoons to be fun, not bloody and rude and borderline mean.”

“I happen to agree with him on that,” Daddy said as he kept scrolling. “I’m afraid that I’m a bit unfamiliar with many of the shows that have cropped up over the years. Animated movies, however, happen to be a particular favorite of mine, especially those that are twists on fairy tales and literature.”

“Like Treasure Planet and Robin Hood,” Rusty said. “We love those too.”

Ember nodded and hoped Daddy was able to find a movie like that, so he’d have something to watch as he got settled. He couldn’t focus enough to read the words as they trailed up the screen, so he left it to Rusty too help Daddy find something appropriate for him while he opened his backpack and carefully removed his jellyfish puppet, sketchpad, and colored pencils, arranging everything so he could lay on his side and see the television while he drew.

“Eurika, 101 Dalmatians is set to begin in five minutes and it’s going to be followed by Brave. I think I’ve found our channel for the afternoon.”

Ember clapped at hearing that. He enjoyed both movies, though the Cruella in the live action version was a little scary and he didn’t like that as much as the animated one. His favorite ones were The Rescuers and The Princess and the Frog because he loved the animals they had in them.

Settling in with his froggy hood pulled up over his head, the big bug eyes resting just above his own, he selected his first color, a pretty lime green, and started drawing a curly green tail. 

Seafoam and Saltwater Taffy can be found here!

Is five months into a relationship too soon to take his boy and his pup on a kink cruise to the Caribbean?


Only Duncan couldn’t resist proposing it to them and letting them decide. The pair have been together for almost a decade and friends for even longer. The bond between them is strong and unshakeable and yet they’ve always longed for a Daddy to come along and love them as fiercely as they love one another. As far as Duncan is concerned, that is the very definition of what he has to offer them.

Ember: lively, little, and completely non-verbal, he was born without the ability to speak, but that doesn’t mean he holds back when he’s passionate about something. Using sign language and a text to speech device, he helps ease the fears of those who visit the reptile and amphibian sanctuary he works at and educate them on the misunderstood animals.

Rusty: fierce yet vulnerable, trapped in a job he hates, he wars with himself about the things he wants versus expectations. He longs to spend his days creating the things he envisions, not doors and window frames, but with no clear path towards making that happen, he’s been spinning his wheels in a place that’s sent his mental health spiraling.

The cruise seems the perfect way to spend his hard-earned vacation days, and if he should happen to find some of the answers he’s been searching for on the high seas with his Daddy and their boy, then that’s the shimmer on the lollipop.

The big, purple, phallic shaped lollipop they intend to use to enhance their fun. 

Pride Cruise 2024 can be found here!

Welcome to Pride Cruise 2024!
Where the water is crisp, the men are HOT, and the party has started! Each book is a standalone but feel free and dive in and binge them all. You won't want to miss a second of their naughty antics. If you think they're silly when the sun is up, just wait until it goes down.

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