Monday, June 3, 2024

Musical Monday: Broken Chorus is coming part of this years Rocktoberfest


Covers to be revealed on July 1st, until then, please enjoy the mystery that is our upcoming Rocktoberfest. 

Broken Chorus

Taking the fall for a shared mistake ended his once promising career, now he's a roadie traveling with one of the few people who knows who he used to be. It's a secret he clings to even when an unexpected second chance to take the stage presents itself. If jail taught him anything, it was how to keep his head down and stay off everyone's radar. When the truth is unexpectedly revealed, his first instinct is to run as fast and far from that tour bus as he can get. Unfortunately, the past has a way of finding even those determined to cling to the shadows, if only to prove that a broken chorus can still be made whole again.

Broken Chorus is part of the multi-author Road to Rocktoberfest 2024 series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but why not read them all and see what antics our bands get into next? Hot rockstars and the men who love them, what more could you ask for. Kick back, load up your kindle and enjoy the men of Rocktoberfest!

I don't want to do this. 

I don't want to go on the road with the band. 

Not as their roadie and not as any form of backup to my best friend. 

I don't know which of us owes the other more...and that's the issue I'm struggling with right now as I stare through the bonfire flames at him as he shovels in another spoonful of strawberry shortcake, whipped cream clinging to the corner of his mouth as he grins at another outrageous bit of nonsense Cordell keeps spouting. 

They look good together. 

Another thing I'm conflicted about. 

'Cause I've been halfway in love with Logan since forever...and Cordell is...complicated. 

He keeps shooting me heated looks, giving me pointers, coming over to talk when I find a spot to brood away from the crew. 

I don't know what to do with that. 

In prison, when someone comes up to you that way, when they reach out and claim that they want to help, it's usually 'cause they're after something. Protection, a patsy they can hide drugs and weapons on, a quick screw in the shower room, I've had it all offered to me and then some. 

I'm not a saint. 

I've accepted more than one of those offers. 

Maybe, if I were a better person, I'd still have my band and my friends. Maybe I'd have taken my shot with Logan and see if there was anything there....

Or maybe I'd have still been the cowards I've always been and pined from afar, afraid to risk the friendship, afraid to hope that I could ever have anything more. 

If my folks taught me one thing growing up it was how toxic relationships could be and not just for the two people involved in them. In a setting like this one, were we all work so closely together, I'd be an idiot to follow my thoughts down the path they've been wandering. 

Too bad I don't have a reputation for being smart either. 

Everything I'm known for, everything I've ever been, has been wrapped up in my voice and my ability to play a guitar, which doesn't amount to much in the grand scheme of things. 

Certain not enough to tempt anyone to want to take a chance on me. 

Not with what I've done. 

I'm Vander, in case you've forgotten from the last time you listened to me whine. 

Vander Morrison...disgraced lead singer of the defunct band Wicked Thorns. 

I've destroyed every good thing I've ever had a hand in....

And now these idiots are about to take me tour with them. 

Broken Chorus can be preordered here!

The 2024 Road to Rocktoberfest Collection can be found here!

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