Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday Snippet: from Painted Love...never say the Q word.




🏳️‍🌈 Here’s a curated list of 84 amazing queer/mm books by 84 fabulous authors for your reading pleasure!
Cas' ferret suit is a patchwork collection of stitched-together fur, but he's earnest, honest, and just wants to prove that he can be a good pet.

is a pet, he's a kitty with a fantastic Daddy and they've been looking for someone to join them in their playtime and perhaps even a whole lot more. Meeting Cas offers a wealth of possibilities. The more time they spend together, the more they bond. But will an arsonist bring all their plans crashing down around them before they ever have the chance to see them realized?

Pride Pet Play 2023 is a multi-author series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but why not check them all out? If you like playful pets who are sometimes naughty, Pride parades, and Daddy’s who love their boys unconditionally you’ll fall in love with our pack!

Garrett glanced from his pathetic hand to the slowly growing pot in the center of the table. The opening ante of two chocolate-covered pretzels and a white chocolate peppermint Hershey kiss was joined by a variety of Tootsie Rolls, Dum-Dums, and a Blow Pop. Not a healthy snack in the bunch, not that Garrett minded. The two eights, five, Jack and King he had weren’t going to win it for him. Still, he’d try for some better cards, tapping the tabletop so Donald could hit him with three.

Six, ten, and alright, there was a third eight. Three-of-a-kind was something at least.

“I call,” Jackson declared after everyone had tossed in another candy.

Garrett spread his cards on the table in front of him, only to groan in frustration along with Jackson, Donald, and Jake, when for the fifth time in a row Andy won the pot, this time with a Jack high straight.

“Son of a bitch, seriously, how’d you get all the luck for the night?” Jake remarked as he collected the cards so he could deal.

“You get lucky every time you go home,” Andy shot back, referring to Jake’s hot-blooded, red-headed wife. The man showed up to his shifts looking like a teenager after a wild Saturday night, rumpled, bleary-eyed, and sporting hickeys on more than just his neck.

“You’re god-damned right I do.”

They shared a laugh at that while Jake shuffled, Garrett cut, and Jake was just about to deal when their station’s newest rookie came bounding up the steps like an over-eager golden retriever.

“Kitchens clean,” he announced. “I even got the caked-on grease off the pan the roast was in. That took forever. I cannot believe how quiet it is tonight, it’s deader than…”

“NO!” Donald barked.

“Oh man,” Garrett groaned.

“Tell me he did not just say that,” Andy said, setting the cards down on the table with a sigh.

“What?” The rookie, Brian, said as he stood behind Andy’s seat, staring down at the table. “Can you deal me in?”

“I’m not going to bother dealing to anyone since you just said the Q-word,” Andy declared.

“Q-word? What do you mean!”

“He means you jinxed the whole shift!” Garrett said.

“Oh come on. You can’t seriously believe that saying quiet is going to suddenly make the bells go….”

“Off,” Jackson deadpanned as they did just that.

“Son of a bitch!” Donald groaned.

“Told you!” Andy said as he shoved his chair back, nearly wiping the rookie out. Brian barely got out of the way in time, sputtering apologies as they rushed for their gear. Was too late for all that now. They’d had less than an hour left before Garrett could get home to Mouse and arrange an afternoon with him and Cas. Now the best he could hope for was to be a couple of hours late.

They were in their turnout gear and on the truck in no time, the rookie still mumbling apologies loud enough that everyone now knew what he had done. They’d make him pay for it too, with cleanup jobs around the stationhouse. For now, they rushed down the street, lights and sirens wailing.

Structural fire.

Apartment complex.

These were some of the worst. No clue how many people would have gotten out by the time they arrived, and no telling how many might be trapped. Garrett shot a quick text off to Mouse, letting him know that he’d be late and that he loved him and would see him soon, then he tucked the phone back under the seat of the fire truck.

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