Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday Fireworks: A very special look at the opening of A Daddy for Summer: Angel


Gossip and Wig Boxes


“Alright, honey, check the tags and make sure the wigs match the styles you want ‘cause we are not having a repeat of the pick-a-peppa show,” Angel declared as he did a mental count of the boxes to make certain none had gotten left under a chair or beside a mannequin.

“You just had to go there, didn’t you,” Cha Cha Bella grumbled as she adjusted her everyday wig, “Always with the pick-a-peppa disaster, you are never going to let that go, are you?”

“Oh, I will, if you ever top it, which I hope you won’t,” Angel replied. “And I don’t always mention the pick-a-peppa debacle. Sometimes I mention Karaoke-gate, or the Great Drag Cruise Fiasco.”

Groaning, Bella scrubbed a hand over her face and raised one perfectly arched eyebrow at him. Where most drag performers stripped off their personality at the end of the night, Cha Cha Bella simply drifted from exaggerated and flamboyant, to comfortably unique.

“Is it really necessary to give every disaster a name like they’re fuckin’ hurricanes?”

“If I did that, they’d only have a first name, not a title,” Angel pointed out, “and yes, I really must title them for the sake of my memoirs and any opportunity that arises to share my wildly captivating tales of your misadventures.”

“Wildly embellished is more like it,” Bella said as she crossed the room to check the labels on the wig boxes. “You know, I think I’m going to go with your suggestion about braiding the lime and lavender ombre wig and having you do the cherry-pie beehive with the blond.”

“Thank you!” Angel said, making the adjustment in the notepad app on his phone, “The red streaks and the woven in cherries will really pop against the blond. I was terrified of you going through with the beehive in the lavender and lime, too Bride of Frankenstein.”

When Bella started sputtering, Angel looked up from his notes to see a look that was part outrage, part what the fuck, and part oh my fuckin’ god why didn’t I think of that. Angel just grinned and made a second note, this one about modifications to the classic conical hairstyle and its prominent skunk stripe. For almost a minute, the only sound in the room was Bella putting the lids back on the hat boxes and snaping the latches in place. Angel marked them off the checklist while Bella loaded them on the collapsible utility cart with her makeup cases and hanging wardrobe bags. 

Best find ever, though technically, it had been considered two finds before Billy had gotten ahold of it and welded the collapsable hanging bar to the collapsable cart to give them a mini version of the bellman’s carts that easily fit into the trunk of Bella’s sporty yellow Volkswagen Golf. Angel turned away to take one last look around Bella’s area, aware that they were the last ones left in the backstage area tonight.

First, Bella huffed, then Angel heard the tink, tink, ting of the tips of her nails against the metal. “Okay, fine, you have just given me my theme for the Halloween show.”

“I know, and you’re welcome.”

“How do you always do that?”

“I don’t, we do it together.”

“Meh, that’s bullshit but thank you for saying it. I don’t know where I’d be as a performer if you hadn’t come into my life,” Bella said as she draped an arm over her shoulder.

With her out of her platform shoes and wig, they were damn near the same height, with Angel having a half inch edge as he stared at their reflections in the mirror.

“I believe you’ve got that backward,” Angel pointed out as he turned into her embrace. “You were the one who fell into my life, remember, though it was more like my chair when you came bursting into the shop like your ass was on fire. All these years and you’ve still never told me what your backup plan was if my client had showed up for her appointment.”

“I didn’t have one.”

Angel felt himself poof up a bit as he pulled back to cock his head and shoot her a side-eye. “Oh, so you just figured I wouldn’t be booked in the first place so you could just show up whenever and I’d be able to a work miracle for you.”

“Now to be fair, you did work more than one miracle that day, so keep the story straight and don’t go downplaying the credit you richly deserve. Not only did you take care of my hair and get Corrine over to help with my makeup, but you found me the best pair of thigh high boots I’ve ever owned.”

“Just call me a full-service stylist,” Angel said.

“You were truly my guardian angel that day, but I knew you would be,” Bella admitted. “I’d seen you backstage at Bare Minimums the week before, helping Ajay get ready for his set.”

“Wait, you never told me that.”

“I know.”

 A Daddy for Summer: Angel can be preordered here!

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