Monday, June 3, 2024

Sunday Snippet: From Seafoam and Saltwater Taffy


Meet the MCs of Seafoam and Saltwater Taffy

Ember is non-verbal but uses sign language and a text to speech device to communicate. He is also a little, works at a reptile and amphibian sanctuary, and is very curious and creative. He enjoys teaching others about misunderstood animals and showing them that they don't have to be afraid of them. One of the ways he accomplishes that is with his pet Boa, Boo, who loves attention and crickets, lots of crickets.

Duncan is a Daddy, he is also a Modern Literature professor, has some seriously badass kilts, and signs proficiently. He's longed for a boy and a pup for a very long time and now that he has them, he has taken them on this cruise to spend more time together and to further cement their relationship.

Rusty is a pup, he is also Ember's best friend and longtime partner. They grew up together, have been in love with each other since they were teenagers and have longed to have someone come along who would love and cherish them both. He's been working in a factory for the past few years and the environment and some of his coworkers are beginning to get to him and effect his moods and mental health, something he'll need to share before the cruise is through.

Don't worry though, this isn't an angsty one. It's lighthearted, fun, playful, steamy and positively adorable, especially when the littles and pets play together. I can't wait to reveal it to you next month. 

Seafoam and Saltwater Taffy can be preordered here!

Rusty shivered with anticipation as Daddy led them up to the front of the booth and said Good Morning.

“And a wonderful morning to you too,” Ms. Angelique said as she, the honest to god designer of everything he’d drooled over, greeted them. “How may I help you.”

“I-I…” Rusty stammered, thoughts flying clear out of his head.

“He would very much like to know if you have versions of last night’s poodle gear in a size that would fit comfortably on him,” Duncan explained. “My pet dearly loves to play, especially with our boy, so maneuverability is a must.”

“Absolutely,” Ms. Angeligue said. “Gear is not just for looking at, it has to be functional and allow pups the freedom to be themselves, especially active ones.”

When she turned that smile from Duncan onto him, Rusty longed to be wearing one of his tails because he’d have been frantically wagging it with glee.

“Do you know why I choose the poodle to feature this year?” Ms. Angelique asked him.

“N-no ma’am,” Rusty managed to stammer out.

“Awe, such good manners, your Sir must be very proud of you.”

“I am, he is an exemplary pup,” Duncan praise, stroking his ears while Ember cuddled up beside him.

When he glanced down, all Rusty could see was admiration there.

“Because of their energy,” she explained. “Oh, you’d never know it from the way some people have turned them into showpieces to perch in teacups and carry around in posh bags. Like labradors, they were bred to retrieve, their coat perfect for keeping the water from soaking through to their skin. Durable, sturdy, able to remain at their human’s side through long hours of wandering the woods and skulking out the best places to wait for their prey, they were prized for their ability to learn, to adapt and to overcome. I think it’s time we celebrate that history and spirt, don’t you.”


She eyed him up and down, cocking her head thoughtfully. “I believe that I do have just the piece of gear that would suit you.”


“Oh yes, why don’t you three step around to the side here where my dressing room is and I’ll be right back.”

“Lead the way,” Duncan said as he guided Rusty and Ember to follow her while he trailed behind them.

Once she got them situated there, with mirrors on three sides of her twilight shrouded dressing room, she swept gracefully from the space, leaving Rusty to peel off his shirt and step out of his shorts to stand in a pair of charcoal gray briefs. 

“I can’t wait to see if on you,” Ember signed. “Oh my gosh, will it be okay if I rub my cheek against your fur?”

“Only once we’ve chosen the one we will be purchasing,” Duncan said, even as Rusty replied: Of course.

“Which activity do you want to wear it for?” Ember signed.

“Ummm…I umm….hmmm,” Rusty murmured, having forgotten most of what was on the itinerary list from the brochure.

“It’s got to be a special one,” Ember continued on. “So I can fawn all over you and get cuddles too.”

“You’re sure it’s okay that I won’t be…you know…all menacing and protective for you?”

Ember smiled at that and shot him a coy look.

“You could be buck naked painted in pineapple and maraschino cherry syrup and still scare the shiitake mushrooms off anyone who dared to be mean to me,” Ember signed.

“Shiitake mushrooms, oh my god that is gonna save me a ton of gummies,” Rusty declared as he hugged Ember close and rested his chin on the top of his head.

“Let’s see how this fits, shall we?” Ms. Angelique said when she returned carrying gear with fluffy fur the shade of cream silver with whisps of dusky pink and deep gray. “I believe it will go beautifully with his hair and allow him to style it with the costume if he chooses.”

Rusty was pleased to discover that the material had a soft, flexible sturdiness to it that conformed to his muscles as Ms. Angelique and Duncan eased it up his body and smoothed it all in place.

“I love that it’s a single piece,” Rusty said as he glanced over his shoulder to see the tail curling low to hang between his legs.

“Sometimes, those are just easier for pups who need to dress themselves,” Ms. Angelique explained. “These have a special feature at the base of the tail that allows you to slip in your favorite plug so that every movement you make is reflected in the way it moves too.”

“Oh woah,” Rusty said as he slid his left arm in, followed by his right, and allowed Ms. Angelique to make a few adjustments along his shoulders.

“How does that feel?”

Rusty rolled his shoulders and squatted, carefully at first, until he realized he had nothing to worry about in regards to blowing the ass end out, mostly because it wasn’t tight, despite the way it looked on him. It was like liquid the way it moved when he moved and when he straightened, and Ms. Angeligue gathered his hair up into two ponytails before sliding the hood portion over his head and his hair through the tops of the ears, he was stunned to see how perfectly it all came together.

“Perfect,” Rusty said.

He was also stunned to realize that he didn’t look goofy or awkward at all. In fact, he looked almost regal, like the very canines the suit had been designed to represent. Straightening to his fullest, he let his chest poof out a little, loving the way the curly ruff over his eyes made the color in them pop. He’d always considered Ember the showstopper and him the wall of muscle keeping everyone else from grabbing hold of his little star, but for the first time every he saw that he could sparkle and stand out too.

The fact that it didn’t chance how his boy viewed him was just buttercream frosting on an already decadent strawberry torte cake. Sickeningly sweet and yet perfect in every way. As Ember regarded him thoughtfully, Rusty waited to hear his thoughts on the look, while Daddy lightly caressed his hands over the sheer places, the smile on his face growing with every passing moment.

“It’s like it was made for him,” Duncan declared.

“I love it,” Rusty said. “But…”

“No. No no. You stop at you love it, and all the buts go out the door, unless they want to be swatted.”

Rusty clamped his lips shut tight at that and the serious look Daddy shot him. Ember still hadn’t said anything though, but when Rusty turned to look at him, he saw that Embers eyes were all lit up.

“The Parade Beneath the Stars,” Ember signed. “That’s where you should wear it, if um, if you still want to take part?”

“Hel…Habanero peppers yeah,” Rusty said, doing a little shimmy at his clever sidestep and the laughter it wrung from Daddy.

“Habanero peppers and shiitake mushrooms,” Duncan muttered, then started chuckling again. “You two keep it up and you’ll have invented the pizza toppings of swear words.”

“Hashtag goals,” Ember signed. 

The Pride Cruise 2024 collection can be found here!

Welcome to Pride Cruise 2024!
Where the water is crisp, the men are HOT, and the party has started! Each book is a standalone but feel free and dive in and binge them all. You won't want to miss a second of their naughty antics. If you think they're silly when the sun is up, just wait until it goes down.

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