Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday Snippet: Another exclusive look at A Daddy for Summer: Angel


“Oh, my god, wait, wait, wait the whole world is spinning!”

“I swear if you throw up on me…”

“It won’t be near as bad as throwing up on the cat!”

Disoriented, Dion sat up and blinked as the sliver of sunlight prying its way past the edges of the curtains. Had Bella really never heard of blackouts? Holy shit.

A bump.

A bang.

Giggles and an outraged shriek.  

What the fuck?

Curious as hell and in desperate need of a piss, Dion shoved the sheet off his legs and heard a loud murrrrpppph of protest from the feline he’d displaced. Least she wasn’t underfoot when he his feet hit the floor, because it had taken two visits for her to stop peeing in his shoes after he’d stepped on her tail the last time he’d visited. Unfortunately, opening the door meant coming face to face with the realization that he was going to have to hold it a little longer, as a grumbling man with a mop of gloriously curly hair attempted to prop Dion’s sister up against her sink in the one and only bathroom in the place.

“Angel?” Dion asked, having only spoken to him a few times over video chat, but man, there was no mistaking those cheekbones and full, kissable lips when Angel glanced back over his shoulder and shot him a grin.

“Hey Dion, I’m afraid the streak still stands.”

“You drank her under the table again.”


“Damn, Mighty-Mini, one day soon we’re going to have to see if you can do that to me.”

“Loser pays?”


“Then let me apologize in advance for the abuse I’m gonna do to your wallet.”

“Bring it on.”

 A Daddy for Summer: Angel can be preordered here!

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